Alzheimer's Speaks

Art Gallery

Amplifying Abilities Through Art

Dissolving Stigmas & Changing Lives

The art gallery features the beautiful artwork of our panelist featured in our Dementia and the Arts videos. Below you will find a variety of art displayed. Our goal is to showcase all types of art created by people living with a form of dementia.

Our goal is to shift common perceptions held by many that those living with dementia are not able or capable. You will easily see that stigma is far from true.

If you are an organization interested in any of the below please email us.

Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons Poetry
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons Poetry
Mark Timmons Poetry
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons Poetry
Mark Timmons Poetry
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons Poetry
Mark Timmons Poetry
Mark Timmons Poetry
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Gail Gregory
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
GaDale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Dale Marie Latimer
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Gail Gregory
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr.
Harry Urban
Truthful Loving Kindess
Toby Heyworth
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Mike Belleville
Mark Timmons
Mark Timmons
Harry Urban
Bill Hayden
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Mike Belleville
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Elmarie Janse van Rensburg
Cynthia Huling Hummel
Natalie Ive
Natalie Ive
Toby Heyworth
Harry Urban
Toby Heyworth
Toby Heyworth
Toby Heyworth
Harry Urban
Julie Hayden
Bob Savage
Harry Urban
Harry Urban
Julie Hayden
Mike Belleville
Bob Savage
Cynthia Huling Hummel
Harry Urban
Truthful Loving Kindness
Harry Urban
Truthful Loving Kindness
Harry Urban
Harry Urban
Harry Urban
Harry Urban
Truthful Loving Kindness
Truthful Loving Kindness
Truthful Loving Kindness
Truthful Loving Kindness
Truthful Loving Kindness
Truthful Loving Kindness
Truthful Loving Kindness
Bob Savage
Bob Savage
Bob Savage
Bob Savage

Recognitions and Awards

Lori La Bey is a change agent shifting dementia care around the world. Just ask Oprah, Maria Shriver, Sharecare, AARP MN, or The National Institute for Dementia Education who have recognized her cutting-edge approach to shift global dementia care. Lori's own mother lived with dementia for thirty years, so you can be comforted knowing she truly understands the needs of those diagnosed, their families, and professionals who care for them.

Oprah Winfrey

Lori La Bey named "Health Hero & Alzheimer's Empath" by O Magzine.

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Maria Shriver

Lori La Bey named "Architect of Change fro Humanity" by Maria Shriver.

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Lori La Bey named "#1 Influencer Online for Alzheimer's Disease" by Sharecare.

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Lori La Bey named "50 Over 50" in the category of "Disruptor & Inspiring Leader" by AARP MN and Pollen.

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Lori La Bey Awarded the "Seal of Excellence" by the National Institute for Dementia Education

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