Alzheimer's Speaks

Betty the Bald Chicken - Lessons in How To Care

A Children's Book Illustrating The Impact We Have On One Another

Applicable to: Illness, Bullying, Discrimination, Ageism, Racism, Death... & More

Betty the Bald Chicken is An Ideal Tool for
Schools, Libraries, Support Groups, Children, and Adults

“What a sweet and beautiful story to open up the hard conversations with a child. I Love it! I love the questions at the back - it is such an invitation to be loving instead of living an unaware life in defense. And the illustrations are delightful too. I think it should be in every Easter basket this Sunday! I will be sure to recommend it to everyone it could benefit."

~ Lyndall Johnson - Licensed Psychologist and the President of Aslan Institute

Betty the Bald Chicken teaches people of all ages we have more in common with others than we are different. The questions in the back of the book help readers and listeners talk about the ripple effect our choices have on others; even those we don't know. It opens the conversation to take decision-making seriously and how others will think about us based on our choices.

"Betty the Bald Chicken is a beautiful, engaging and heartwarming book that teaches children about the pain of feeling excluded and the healing power of acceptance. It encourages them to reflect on times they might have felt ‘different’, or seen others as different and not known how to respond. A gentle yet compelling story of empathy and inclusivity. The questions at the end of the book are particularly enlightening and stimulate lasting conversations."

~ Dr. Helena Popovic MBBS - family physician and best-selling author of Can Adventure Prevent Dementia? and NeuroSlimming - Let your brain change your body

978-1-952976-86-5 Hardcover

Library of Congress Control Number: 2022948781

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I got your book, too, but I didn't read it until tonight. Oh my goodness I was even able to relate and I'm 84! It's beautifully illustrated and filled with learning opportunities related to feelings. I had thought it was exclusive to dementia but pleasantly surprised to learn it included all situations that deal with feelings, and fears. Every person who reads it will be affected in a different way! What a gift of positivity you've given this crazy world.

~ Susan Bromen

Betty the Bald Chicken was inspired by Lori La Bey’s journey caring for her mother who lived thirty years with Alzheimer’s disease, but this book is not limited to those dealing with dementia. Betty’s story applies to almost every human situation from illness, bullying, addictions, divorce, death, discrimination, ageism, racism, religious beliefs, sexuality, economic status to everyday struggles of not feeling like we fit in or are not understood. This children’s book is beautifully illustrated and engages all ages by highlighting the roller coaster of emotions we all go through.

I received my copy of "Betty the Bald Chicken." My retired teacher brain went into overdrive. You are right, this book can be used for so many teaching moments. It would be nice to see in school guidance offices, elementary classrooms, special education, and the list goes on. Thank you for your relentless advocacy work!❤️

~ Kate Rinehart – Retired Teacher

Here's a Sampling of the Book

“Betty the Bald Chicken: Lessons in How to Care can Help Everyone Be Better. We cannot say enough good and beneficial things about Betty the Bald Chicken: Lessons in How to Care. Some may view this book as a children's book, however, you would be mistaken. The lessons that are given and shown throughout this book can resonate with any of us, regardless of age. The author Lori La Bey has been a monumental force in the dementia and Alzheimer's space for many years and has brought this experience and expertise to the forefront to help share these lessons for adults and children alike. Whether it is a loved one with dementia or any number of other issues that we may face when caring for a loved one Betty the Bald Chicken: Lessons in How to Care will help make us all better in caring for our loved ones and each other.”

~ Lance A. Slatton - All Home Care Matters

978-1-952976-86-5 Hardcover

Library of Congress Control Number: 2022948781

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“Betty the Bald Chicken helps young readers explore aspects of illness and disabilities that we don’t often talk about – how family and friends react – either by turning away in fear and aversion or stepping up with warmth and support. It helps kids explore their choices and the difference they can make through caring.”

~ Beth Soltzberg - LICSW, MBA

"Betty the Bald Chicken skillfully uses a story of exclusion that children can relate to in order to build empathy for the experiences of others. Discussion questions at the end help parents and caregivers explore social-emotional issues in an age-appropriate way and enable children to feel empowered to act when they feel excluded or see others being excluded. An empathetic portrayal of community with adorable watercolor illustrations showing and celebrating differences.”

~ Rachel Z, mom of two

Scott Carlson joined Lori to turn her keynote speech into written form, while illustrator Emilee Lund visually brought Betty to life, and Kirk House Publishers pulled the book together in a beautiful fashion.

Lori is so appreciative of everyone's talent that made the book Betty the Bald Chicken a reality.

“My four- and seven-year-old grandsons became engaged as we read the book, Betty the Bald Chicken. When we got to the question section, our seven-year-old shared with us that sometimes he can’t find his friends at recess and that makes him sad, just like Betty. It allowed us an opportunity to listen to him, support him, and help him problem-solve how he might deal with that situation.”

~ Jan Martland - Murphy - Retired RN and Grandma

Children's Book that is also a Dementia Discussion Guide

Lori La Bey’s beautifully illustrated book, Betty the Bald Chicken, Lessons in How to Care, explores the range of feelings when someone is ill or injured and isolated. Through Betty’s journey, readers of all ages share Betty’s fear and loss and the transformation in her friendships. The guided questions at the end of the story helps young readers talk about their feelings. It teaches them there are no right or wrong answers, and helps them understand their own choices.

For dementia support or memory cafe groups, discussing the lessons in how to care would help both the caregiver and their loved one with dementia.

~ Tracy Perkins - Author of Dementia Home Care, How to Prepare Before, During and After

978-1-952976-86-5 Hardcover

Library of Congress Control Number: 2022948781

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This book is amazing!

This books hits every age level. No one likes being made fun of or not liked for being different, but unfortunately it happens everywhere. This book helps make it easier to talk openly about differences and being OK with being different. Greta book, great story, great author!

~ Amazon Review - Anonymous

We never fully know the challenges that those in our communities, schools, or society face. How we treat others can make a powerful impact that can stay with them forever. Betty's story transported me to a time when I was bullied. I re-lived those moments when I felt like a “misfit.” I still can feel how it felt, many decades later.

This story reminds us to live with a greater sense of caring and compassion for others at a time when our societal differences seem to be more magnified than ever. I strongly recommend this book to every single human being. It’s what humanity is all about.

~ Suzanne Perkins Newman, Founder & CEO of Answers for Elders, Inc., Host- Answers for Elders Radio & Podcast Network

We Truly Hope You Find Betty’s Journey Helpful to You, Your Family, Your Friends, and Your Clients as We Learn to Live Graciously Together with One Another.

“What a work of love and heart you have created! Although it is written as a kid’s book, it has a strong message for families and friends.

~ Teepa Snow - International Trainer, Owner, & Founder of Positive Approach, LLC

See What People
Are Saying

"Betty the Bald Chicken by Lori La Bey and Scott Carlson is a powerful and poignant book that should be read by everyone! For anyone who has been laughed at, ignored, or left out this book really hits home!!

It is also a very heartwarming read as it highlights those who reach out to embrace, love, and care for others!! It reminds me that there is still goodness in this world! I’m thrilled with the questions at the end of the book because they provide an outstanding opportunity for thought-provoking and honest group discussions!"

~ Loretta Veney - Author, Inspirational Speaker, and Trainer on Dementia, Caregiving, and Aging

978-1-952976-86-5 Hardcover

Library of Congress Control Number: 2022948781

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This book makes for a great gift anytime of the year. A wonderful way to start a conversation on how we care for others and ourselves.

“Lori La Bey continues to impress with being able to connect people through messaging that is kind, warm, and inclusive. 

I enjoyed reading this book from start to finish, and especially liked the questions at the end that encourage engagement and a person-centered thought process from readers of all ages.   Whether a child reads Betty the Bald Chicken by themselves, or if this book is read to children by a parent, or a teacher in a classroom setting, the story allows for additional conversation that will help children understand the importance of friendships, inclusivity, and offering help to one another when needed.”  

~ Deanna Vigliotta – National Sales Manager, TZMO USA, Inc.

Betty the Bald Chicken is a fabulous book to read to children of many ages. It will help them think about how to treat people who have an illness or are different.

This book helps children view differences from a new perspective and understanding.

The questions at the end of the book help children understand the concept of supporting people with differences. They are thought provoking and easy for children to understand. 

This book would be a great addition to any home, school, or library as a discussion literature.”

~ Laurie A. Scherrer – Lives with dementia and is the founder of Dementia Daze 

“This beautifully illustrated book takes you on a path of self-reflection. I love that it is all about caring and taking interest in the well-being of others.

Care is something that we will all get the opportunity to do for others and also receive at various points in our lives. This book does a nice job of telling Betty’s story and challenging the reader, of all ages, to reflect on how you would respond to Betty. Thank you to Lori and Scott for writing about caring – something that makes the world a better place!”

~ Lakelyn Eichenberger – PhD, gerontologist and caregiving advocate

“Betty the Bald Chicken is a gentle story that faces the harsh realities that we face when we discover that we are different than others. It is a tale of community, love, and giving as well as one of rejection and pain, but also a story of inclusivity, respect, and understanding.

“The book’s “Lessons in How to Care” are broad yet powerful throughout Betty’s journey. The section of questions included after the story is a valuable tool to opening a conversation on caring. The authors and illustrator speak to the reader through words and images about how caring for others, by opening our hearts and minds to another’s circumstance, can bring hope and joy to all involved. This book would make a great gift, a wonderful way to start the conversation on caring for others and ourselves.”

~ Mary Crescenzo – Teaching Artist, Speaker, and Author of The Planet Alzheimer’s Guide  

This inspiring book — with its heartwarming illustrations — reminds us that sometimes real friendship and compassion can only be found among those who know firsthand what stigma feels like, what it means to be outcasted and marginalized by others.

It is often those who are invisible, labeled, and excluded from our society who can teach us that, at the end of the day, we are all interconnected and interdependent on each other.

They can show us the way towards inclusion.

After working with Lori for over a decade, the book is a clear reflection of her tireless, inspiring, cutting edge, and impactful work related to preserving and enhancing the human rights, dignity, care, and personhood of people living with dementia.

~ Eilon Caspi – Asst. Research Professor, Author, and Advocate for Preventing Harmful Interactions

“Betty the Bald Chicken is a sensitive story that highlights the importance of how we act towards others can hurt feelings deeply.

What we say and what we do and NOT do when a person is ill or different from us has a profound effect on most human interactions. The story peaks ones interest in what happens to Betty during and after her hospitalization. Great questions at the end of the book that leads to thoughtful conversations.”

~ Nancy Chakrin – BreathLogic Co-Founder

“As a child, my father taught us that before we spoke about someone else, we needed to “walk a mile in their shoes”.  Like the book, “Betty the Bald Chicken – Lessons in How to Care,” this is the basis of empathy and critical thinking.

One would be raising their child to be a good and compassionate person as well as encouraging them to become stronger critical thinkers, thereby helping them to recognize that it is okay to be who you are.  

Kudos to you Lori, for setting such a good example for all children.”

~ Patty Lien – Giver of Smiles

“All of us face challenging times in our lives, whether young or old, and Betty the Bald Chicken gives a voice to many of the feelings we experience in these moments.

Lori La Bey’s passion for providing empathy is well delivered through the approachable journey of this challenged and loved chicken.”

~ Rob Liebreich – President and CEO, Goodwin Living

978-1-952976-86-5 Hardcover

Library of Congress Control Number: 2022948781

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“The seemingly simple story of Betty the Bald Chicken reveals complex emotions and social situations that affect those who feel isolated and ostracized from their former group of family and friends due to physical, cognitive, or cultural differences.

Luckily, Betty finds a new group of friends with similar experiences who offer compassion, understanding, and caring.  Discussion questions at the end of the book help both children and adults to explore the consequences of their negative and positive reactions to those who find themselves in difficult situations, not of their own making.”

~ Mary Beth Riedner – Retired Librarian and founder of Tales & Travel  

“Lori and Scott present a mirror of deep reflection to the heart of every person.  A plea for human compassion to rise.  A need for people to care. A remarkable achievement reaching the heart of people who are facing challenging circumstances to know, they are not alone.

This is a simple story.  Powerful, emotional, beautiful.  A great commentary.  A great read.  An inspiration for children and adults alike to be more, understand more, contribute more, love more. Everyone should read this book.”

~ Patty Carlson – Film Score Composer, Pianist, Author, Director of Research: Music and the Brain

“What a fantastic book! It celebrates the differences we all have and helps children to connect and build empathy! 

What a lovely contribution, beautifully written and illustrated, to the collective learning for children.”

~ Amy Beth DePreker – Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Artis Senior Living

“This delightful children’s book will resonate with those of a certain age who most certainly have felt different or less than for one reason or another.

The discussion points at the end of the book will further help children – and adults – process the types of feelings that tend to make them feel alienated from others. Bravo!”

~ Irene Frances Olson – author of Requiem for the Status Quo

“This is an absolutely, wonderful book – one of comfort, guidance, and hope. For the child who is somehow “different” and finds her or himself ostracized by their circle of friends.  For the parent or friends who might offer help but perhaps don’t know what to do or how to do it, please read this book. You will all feel better.

For the person who is developing dementia, families, friends, and caregivers, this is an easily accessible and compelling roadmap.  It will help you navigate the uncertainties and the challenges that Betty faced – confusion, embarrassment, and fear, rejection, isolation, and loneliness.  With insights to her discovery of a new life of loving support.  

Betty, the Bald Chicken will help you understand and bring your family together, in a spirit of joy and love.  I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

~ Marilyn Raichle – Executive Director of Maude’s Awards and Dementia Advocate

“This book is written very well for the purpose of providing an example of what can happen when someone has a change in their life and others pull away out of fear or just not knowing what to say.

Although it was written for children, I think it is applicable to all ages.

It is powerful and filled with very important lessons for all people.

Thank you Lori and Scott  for doing such a beautiful job in helping our world to be a better place! This book should be disseminated widely.”

~ Carolyn Klaver, RN – Community Dementia Care Specialist & Resources to Churches Program Coordinator, 2nd Half with Lyngblomsten 

“What a fantastic book! It celebrates the differences we all have and helps children to connect and build empathy! 

What a lovely contribution, beautifully written and illustrated, to the collective learning for children.”

~ Amy Beth DePreker – Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Artis Senior Living

978-1-952976-86-5 Hardcover

Library of Congress Control Number: 2022948781

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“Every child wants to belong, yet we’ve all had times when we feel like an outsider.  This book paves an easy way to explain to children how to reach out with kindness to someone who doesn’t fit in. 

Seeing the world through someone else’s eyes is a necessity for developing the emotional intelligence that will help every child succeed.” 

~ Deb Nygaard - Assisted Living Director, Arthur's Senior Care and Director of Development, ACR Homes

Help Raise Awareness & Spread Kindness

"Betty the Bald Chicken is a story that leads the reader into the heart of empathy by a child’s voice. Readers are asked to choose how they might respond to others who may be different due to loss. This book should be shared widely with young and old alike."

~ Daniel C. Potts, MD, FAAN, Neurologist, and advocate for those living with dementia and care partners

Wonderful Resources!

Recognitions and Awards

Lori La Bey is a change agent shifting dementia care around the world. Just ask Oprah, Maria Shriver, Sharecare, AARP MN, or The National Institute for Dementia Education who have recognized her cutting-edge approach to shifting global dementia care. Lori's mother lived with dementia for thirty years, so you can be comforted knowing she truly understands the needs of those diagnosed, their families, and the professionals who care for them.

Oprah Winfrey

Lori La Bey was named "Health Hero & Alzheimer's Empath" by O Magazine.

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Maria Shriver

Lori La Bey was named "Architect of Change for Humanity" by Maria Shriver.

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Lori La Bey was named "#1 Influencer Online for Alzheimer's Disease" by Sharecare.

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Lori La Bey was named "50 Over 50" and "Disruptor & Inspiring Leader" by AARP MN and Pollen.

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