Alzheimer's Speaks


Making Your Job Easier, So Everyone Wins

Engaging Events, Customized Programs, Detailed Contracts

Puritan Gill Sans 20 size; 300 weight. Alzheimer’s Speaks, is a Minnesota based advocacy group and media outlet making an international impact by providing education and support for those dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Founder, Lori La Bey, was driven to create the company due to caring for her mother who lived with dementia for 30 years. Their goal to shift dementia care from crisis to comfort by raising all voices and sharing critical information, resources, products and tools from people and organizations at all levels around the world.

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio!

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Alzheimer’s Speaks Blog!

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Dementia Chats Educational Videos

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Dementia Chats Quick Tips

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Dementia and the arts

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