Alzheimer's Speaks

Sponsorship Opportunities

Making Your Job Easier, So Everyone Wins

Engaging Events, Customized Programs, Detailed Contracts

Sponsorships come in all shapes and sizes and are only limited by our imagination. Lori La Bey the founder of Alzheimer's Speaks loves tapping into that creative energy where all things can become possible. La Bey knows how to create innovative ways to raise the position of your brand while expanding your footprint in a positive light. Lori does this by engaging and educating your target market. In addition to giving hope and inspiration to your audience to join forces to make our world a better place.

Let's look at the variety of opportunities from creating and/or supporting dementia-friendly businesses and communities, to developing, hosting, or facilitating support gatherings, educational tours, conferences, and books.

Clients, families, and staff all appreciate engaging educational events. Sponsoring events is a great way to educate, uplift, and show your audience you care. In doing this, you set your company apart by showing you are listening to their needs, providing them solutions, and are willing to invest in their lives.

Events come in all shapes and sizes and can be leveraged using different mediums and types of venues. Various budgets can be used to pool your resources and collaborative sponsorships are also possible.

Community Movements & Support Groups

Becoming a thought leader in your industry is wonderful, but elevating to a known thought leader in your community changes your status not only with employees but your clients, their family members, and surrounding businesses. Sponsoring a Dementia Friendly Community can do just that for you. We know as we worked with The Lutheran Home Association to launch the very first Dementia Friendly Community in the United States.

As an established thought leader in your community, you will find your brand recognition, your resources, and your influential capabilities expand. Each can be used for recruitment and the leveraging of retention; of clients, staff, and collaborations.

Let Alzheimer's Speaks help you position your organization to be the go-to company regarding dementia.

By sponsoring a Memory Cafe you are supporting those living with dementia and their care partners; you in turn become a community hero. We know this as we launched one of the first Memory Cafes in the United States in 2011. Arthur's Senior Care continues to sponsor Arthur's Memory Cafe to this day.

Your company can be a lifeline to those in need and support them in a nonjudgmental setting. Memory cafes can be in-person or virtual.

Conscious Caring Support™ programs explore the underbelly of giving care in a safe, fun environment. By exploring things most people don’t dare talk about, we can identify what is dragging us down, ripping at our souls, and making us feel less than others.

Our Conscious Caring Support™ programs offer a supportive place where people feel comfortable expressing and processing their emotions when dealing with dementia. We have two different types of offerings and each program can be tailored for those living with a form of dementia in its early stages, family members, and staff.

The Roseville Alzheimer's and Dementia Community Action Team created the Former Dementia Caregiver Re-Entry Program to support those who have lost a loved one to a form of dementia. Lori La Bey is a founding member of RSVL AD and was also one of the creators and facilitators of the program.

The group builds a sense of community. It is not a numbered series, but rather an ongoing gathering where individuals decide when the time is right for them to move onto the next stage of their life.

Educational Platforms

Alzheimer’s Speaks Podcast was the first show in the world dedicated to dementia and caring. We raise all voices to create a space for comfortable conversations, help reduce stigmas, and leverage sustainable change by sharing and inspiring one another through resources, tools, products, and insights.

Alzheimer’s Speaks Blog was created in 2009. We continue to raise the voice of all people living with dementia and those caring for and working in the trenches with a variety of neuro-diverse situations. All forms, insights, and opinions are welcome. We encourage, assist, and engage those in need. People tell us they feel safe and love our inclusive approach to care and education.

Dementia Chats™ positions those with dementia to have a platform to express their thoughts, wants, and needs regarding living with a variety of dementias. These are informative and brilliant discussions highlighting the importance of including those diagnosed in not only conversations but the planning of initiatives moving forward.

Dementia and the Arts™ Educational Panel is a newer platform where those diagnosed with a form of dementia anywhere in the world, are invited to share their artwork and explain to the world what they get out of creating art.

Dementia Quick Tips™ are video vignettes highlighting life lessons from our Founder Lori La Bey who cared for her mother who lived with dementia for 30 years. These vignettes, pull back the curtain of care to find peace and joy in the journey and help people see the possibility of living graciously alongside dementia.

Our products and tools section offers a variety of options to assist your staff, clients, and families. We have developed several simple tools which are easy to implement and can be licensed to build your brand.

Wonderful Resources!

Recognitions and Awards

Lori La Bey is a change agent shifting dementia care around the world. Just ask Oprah, Maria Shriver, Sharecare, AARP MN, or The National Institute for Dementia Education who have recognized her cutting-edge approach to shifting global dementia care. Lori's mother lived with dementia for thirty years, so you can be comforted knowing she truly understands the needs of those diagnosed, their families, and the professionals who care for them.

Oprah Winfrey

Lori La Bey was named "Health Hero & Alzheimer's Empath" by O Magzine.

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Maria Shriver

Lori La Bey was named "Architect of Change for Humanity" by Maria Shriver.

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Lori La Bey was named "#1 Influencer Online for Alzheimer's Disease" by Sharecare.

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Lori La Bey was named "50 Over 50" and "Disruptor & Inspiring Leader" by AARP MN and Pollen.

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Lori La Bey was Awarded the "Seal of Excellence" by the National Institute for Dementia Education

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