Unmasking Elder Abuse on Conscious Caregiving with L & L

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Welcome to Conscious Caregiving with L & L. This is a monthly show where we discuss the topics and issues affecting seniors and the senior care industry. In this episode, we welcome leading and influential experts from around the world to discuss the issue of Elder Abuse. Below you will find information on each panelist as well as contact information and resources.
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Learn About Our Esteemed Panel:
Bettina Morrow
Bettina has over 20 years of international experience, Bettina started her career in her home county of Australia before moving to the UK, where she practiced social work for 9 years, eventually leading to her move to the U.S. Bettina has spent the last 15 years working with at-risk and vulnerable adults with specific expertise in elder abuse, dementia, and guardianship. Bettina has obtained a Bachelor of Social Work and a Masters in Dementia, is a Nationally Certified Guardian, and has presented at state and national conferences, in addition to appearing in several podcast interviews.
Paul Greenwood
Paul Greenwood is a Retired Deputy District Attorney who practiced for 13 years in England and 27 years in San Diego where he joined the DA’s office in 1993. For twenty-two years Paul headed up the Elder Abuse Prosecution Unit at the San Diego DA’s Office. He has prosecuted over 750 felony cases of both physical, sexual, emotional, and financial elder abuse. He has also prosecuted ten murder cases, including one death penalty case.
In 2018, Paul retired to concentrate on sharing lessons he learned from his elder abuse prosecutions with a wider audience. He received a lifetime achievement award for his work and now he spends much of his time speaking on behalf of AARP nationally, consulting on elder abuse cases, and providing training to law enforcement and Adult Protective Services agencies across the country and internationally. Paul is also involved as the criminal justice board member of National Adult Protective Services Association.
Rick Mountcastle
Rick Mountcastle is a Producer for the documentary, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD PEOPLE, by award-winning filmmaker Susie Singer Carter. Rick, a retired federal and state prosecutor and former United States Attorney for the Western District of Virginia (2017-2018), was the lead prosecutor against OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma, as chronicled in the Emmy- nominated Hulu mini-series “Dopesick.” He has more than two decades of experience prosecuting corporations and individuals for unlawfully exploiting nursing home residents. Rick believes that educating and energizing the public provides the best chance to change a dysfunctional nursing home system that prioritizes profits over people.
William “Bill” Lightfoot
Bill Lightfoot has been an advocate for Elder Abuse prevention for the past 36 years. He has been a Law Enforcement Officer, Consultant, Trainer, and Legislative Advocate. Bill has worked with private and Government agencies around the country to spread the need for advocacy, Legislative changes, and further understanding of the crime of Elder Abuse.
Susan Carson
Susan Carson is a Registered Nurse for 35 years and Forensic Nurse Examiner for 23 years. She has provided forensic services to over 500 victims, through the collection of evidence, documenting injuries, and testifying in court as a Forensic Injury expert. She is a national speaker on topics of Domestic Violence, Elder Abuse, Strangulation, Arson & Burn Forensic Injuries, and Gunshot Wounds. Susan developed and presented the first in the country Clinical Forensic Examiner Certificate program with clinical & didactic training in March 2004 with the VCUMC Forensic Nurse Examiners.
Elion Caspi
Eilon is a Gerontologist and Dementia Behavior Specialist. He started working in the aging field nearly 30 years ago in a nursing home in Israel where his grandfather lived. Since then, he worked as a social worker, applied researcher, educator, author, and care advocate. His research focuses on improving understanding and the prevention of various forms of elder mistreatment in long-term care homes (such as neglect of health care, abuse, residents’ fear of retaliation, resident-to-resident incidents, financial exploitation, and theft of opioid pain medications).
Kristine Sundberg
Kris is the Executive Director of Elder Care IQ and Elder Voice Advocates (EVA), an advocacy non-profit organization. A personal tragedy with her father in long-term care drove her to work with other victims and leverage her professional expertise to form the non-profit organization, Elder Voice Advocates in 2017. EVA is an influential voice in public policy. Major achievements include the passage of assisted living licensure and elder protection legislation in 2019, launching Elder Care IQ in 2022, and securing the passage of the Legislative Task Force on Aging and legal protections regarding survivorship of legal claims in the 2023 Minnesota legislative session.
Co-Hosts of Conscious Caregiving With L & L

Contact Lance A. Slatton or Lori La Bey with any questions or comments you may have regarding the show.

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