

ALL proceeds from sales of the following EBook To be donated to ALZHEIMER’S SPEAKS:

looking into your voice, the poetic & eccentric realities of Alzheimer’s, by Cathie Borrie

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Hello! My name is Cathie Borrie and I cared for my mother for 7 years when she had Alzheimer’s. Nothing prepared me for this tricky journey but it was at her side that I learned that there was inside of her an enduring spirit and a voice full of insight, humor, and an astonishing poetic sensibility. Looking into your voice is “poem of a book”, based on some of our recorded conversations which I am donating to support the great work of Alzheimer’s Speaks and Lori La Bey.

We all love Lori La Bey, don’t we? And why would we not – think of all that she has done to change the dementia care culture. Through speaking, training, consulting, and coaching on Alzheimer’s disease, Lori shifts the hearts and mind-sets of her clients and audiences, highlighting and honouring a gracious person-centered approach to care. She continues to focus on the commonalities of our struggles and joys with dementia, rather than our differences.

Think of all that Lori has accomplished and the many areas she continues to be involved in:

  • The Alzheimer’s Speaks Blog.
  • Alzheimer’s Speaks YouTube Channel.
  • Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio, the first radio show in the world dedicated to dementia.
  • Lori brought the Memory Café Concept to the U.S. from the U.K., and now we have 100 Memory Cafés up and going!
  • FREE educational webinars called “Dementia Chats™.”
  • The Alzheimer’s Speaks International Collaborative Resource Directory.
  • The launch of Dementia Friendly businesses and communities.
  • A webinar series called, “Shifting Your Dementia Care Culture™”.
  • Don’t forget the FREE Tools she makes available to us all!

I think Lori is an angel and I want to support her during Alzheimer’s month. Please join me! Lori is working on two books which I know will help many and she also has a new dementia tool she would like to take to production. Your support for Alzheimer’s Speaks will help her make these important works available to all of us.


September 21st World Alzheimer’s Day – September 30th 2013


The ebook, looking into your voice, the poetic & eccentric realities of Alzheimer’s, was first launched at MoMA in NYC for World Alzheimer’s Day in 2010. Anne Davis Basting has this to say about the book: Brave, playful, and inspiring — this little book manages to capture the enormity of that is Alzheimer’s with elegant simplicity.

John Killick, Co-Founder of Dementia Positive, reviews the book ─ Out of memory Loss Comes the Unforgettable.



I applaud ALZHEIMERS SPEAKS and its many wonderful endeavours and feel Lori La Bey’s excellent and caring work deserves support. Will you join me by making a contribution for this great cause?

Suggested minimum contribution: $ 5.00


Donations can be made though PAYPAL, or by sending a check or money order.


Click on the PayPal icon on the web page to order


Check/money order:

Make Checks Payable to Alzheimer’s Speaks.
Please include your email address.
Mail to:

Alzheimer’s Speaks

PO Box 9846,

St Paul, MN 55109



Pick Your Ebook Format:

Please indicate the eBook format which you require and Lori will send you the appropriate format.

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Cathie Borrie is a great admirer of Lori La Bey and Alzheimer’s Speaks. Cathie performs concerts all over the world based on the text of her memoir, The Long Hello, shedding a positive and honouring message about the Alzheimer’s experience.

Lori WI Webinar Promo 103

“I would personally like to thank Cathie Borrie for her support and  generosity in helping Alzheimer’s Speaks continue it’s work to forge ahead removing stigmas, raising awareness, educating the public and pulling collaborations together around the world.  I would also like to thank all of my supporters around the world as well who are helping make a difference in our care culture. “

Lori La Bey founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks

For additional resources please visit our website




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