Open Mic on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Tuesday Sept 16th
Open Mic on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio
Click Below To Go To The Show
11am EST, 10am CST, 9am MST, 8am PST and 4pm London time
You can listen in or participate via the chat box or call in live and talk with us at (714) 364-4757
- What are you doing for World Alzheimer’s Month?
- Let’s find out what your life is like with dementia.
- How would you recommend things be changed to improve life for those diagnosed and those caring for them.
- Have you written a book, a song or movie about life with dementia?
- How have you been affected by the disease?
- Do you know about the Purple Angel Program? If so, are how are using the Purple Angel?
For more information on Caregiving and Dementia
Click Below