Including Children in the Conversation When Dementia Hits

Including Children in the Conversation

When Dementia Hits

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Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 at 2:00pm EST, 1:00pm CST, 12:00pm MST, 11:00am PST and 7:00pm London

Often, children see a loved one suffer from some form of dementia, but the they aren’t part of the family discussion or care plan. This disease not only affects the person diagnosed, but the entire family including the children.

Toby haberkorn PhotoToby Haberkorn, author of WHEN MY GRAMMY FORGETS, I REMEMBER: A CHILD’S PERSPECTIVE ON DEMENTIA, will shed light on how to speak to children about what changes are happening to their loved one.

The book is inspired by the Toby’s own family, which was forced to confront the pain and progression of the disease in both their mother and grandmother. This book is a great resource to jump- start a family discussion.

Toby’s book has been added to the Alzheimer’s Disease Education Center’s resource list for children and teens. Additionally the book is included in the Greenfield Library (the largest, dementia specific library in the country) and the virtual library where it is on the “kid and teens” resource list.

T haberkorn book Cover ThumbnailClick Above to Purchase the Book

or check out Toby’s Website

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Learn more about the new film on dementiahis_neighborphil_blk_wht_purple_logo_horzClick Below To Watch A Trailer

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