Stamp Out Alzheimer’s With A Semipostal Stamp

Stamp Out Alzheimer’s

With A  Semipostal Stamp


Here is a letter from Lynda Everman


As a caregiver for my late husband and an activist with UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, I know the toll Alzheimer’s takes on both patients and their loved ones, and the urgent need for a cure.

With enough funding for research, an end to this devastating disease is within reach. One untapped source of funding is the Postal Service’s semipostal stamp program, which allows consumers to pay a little bit extra to donate to important causes.

Earlier this month UsAgainstAlzheimer’s wrote to the Postmaster General urging her to establish a new semipostal program benefiting Alzheimer’s research, but now she needs to hear from YOU to ensure the Postal Service makes this a priority.

Add your voice: Join UsAgainstAlzheimer’s in calling for an Alzheimer’s semipostal stamp to fund the search for a cure!

Click here to ask the Postal Service to help fund the search for a cure with a new semipostal stamp.

alz psotcard to support stamp

Previous stamps have raised tens of millions for breast cancer research, and a new Alzheimer’s Awareness and Research stamp would be an incredible opportunity to raise awareness and support lifesaving Alzheimer’s research.

If each of us writes the Postmaster General, we can send a clear message that it’s time to create a semipostal stamp for Alzheimer’s to fund the search for a cure.

Thank you for adding your voice,

Lynda Everman

2 Replies to “Stamp Out Alzheimer’s With A Semipostal Stamp”

  1. A lovely tribute. But the funds raised from this stamp are unlikely to ever approach the amount raised by the cancer stamp for two reasons. Cancer is not scary like it used to be. Many people know someone who has been cured or in remission from cancer. We know how to treat cancer, even if it unpleasant.
    In contrast, Alzheimer’s in a progressive incurable disease. Its victims are much older persons, who are not prized in our society. Many are terrified of getting Alzheimer’s. Those suffering find themselves socially isolated as their friends drop away.
    On the economic side, the shift towards paying bills electronically grows about 30% each year. Direct debit,Apple Pay, Square, among other’s eliminate the need to mail payments using a stamp.Documents are shared via email or the cloud. In fact, both in my business and at home, I have not used a stamp since I sent my holiday cards in mid-December. If you don’t believe the trend away from stamps, check out the decline in first class mail for the past several years.
    Maybe other posters will be more optimistic.
    The probability of stamping out ALZ is very small. The drug approved for ALZ happened in 2003, over 12 years ago. Getting ALZ drugs through the pipeline is difficult because finding subjects that meet the criteria of the clinical trials is very, very difficult according to R. Scott Turner, Director the Director of the Memory Disorders Program at Georgetown University at Howard Universtiy on March 5, 2016.

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