A Good Day with Mom – End Stage Alzheimer’s

A Good Day with Mom – End Stage Alzheimer’s

By Lori La Bey of Senior Lifestyle Trends

Over the last month, my visits with Mom have been getting shorter.  She has responding very little, and has been sleeping most of her days away.  Each of these visits has helped me prepare for future decline.  As sad as it makes me to think about my Mother’s passing I also know I have been extremely lucky to have her in my life as long as she has been.  It’s been over nine year’s since she moved into the nursing.  It’s hard to believe that much time has passed.  None of us really thought about how long she would live. After looking back on things I can say I believe it has been the combination of medications, and the social benefits and structure the nursing home has provided her which has assisted in her longevity.   

Today  I went to visit Mom after diner.  To my surprise she was still up and in the living room area where residents were socializing.  As usual, I had picked her up a hot fudge sundae from McDonalds.  When I asked Mom if she wanted some ice cream, she reacted to my voice.  I could believe she turned her head towards me, smiled, and said “yes.”   I was shocked.  My heart went pitter patter.  I was ecstatic.  I had totally prepared myself that these moments were gone, but once again Mom surprised me.  You would think I would know by now, I can’t predict what to expect with Alzheimer’s disease.  There is no rhyme or reason to the progression.  It is just one long roller coaster ride of ups and downs.  Here’s a few pictures from today’s visit.

6 Replies to “A Good Day with Mom – End Stage Alzheimer’s”

  1. Hi Lori…Been thinking about you lately and glad to see that you are fine, as well as your mother. Your mother answering your question must have surely stunned you, but you connected and I am happy for you 🙂

    Take care of yourself Lori.

    1. HI Michelle

      Thanks for checking in. It is so nice to hear from you. I too have been wondering how life is treating you. Hopefully GREAT!

      Mom is slipping more and more and logically I know what to expect but in the long haul it’s just that whole not knowing when and control thing I struggle with. It’s going to be tough when she decides it’s time to leave.
      🙁 but I have great people like you supporting me and I know I will mangage. Thank you for being there for me!

      Take care and thanks again for checking in!


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