Holidays Increase Caregiving Challenges

Holidays Increase Caregiving Challenges 

by Lori – La Bey of Senior Lifestyle Trends

Caregiving is challenging no matter what side of Care you are on – Giving or Receiving. 

Lori La Bey of Senior Lifestyle Trends

I learned early on as a Caregiver when I perceived my role as a “Fix It Person,” my To Do list became a competitive game with a Win/Lose outcome, driven by my need to control things.

Today I approach my Caregiving with flexibility.  I assess three things before I proceed with any task.  Those three things are:  Is the person I am providing care to: 1) Safe, 2) Pain-free, and 3) Happy.  If so, I move forward as planned.  If not, I make adjustments so I can say “yes” to those three items.  Then I review my checklist knowing it is ok to reprioritize. I accept some things may not get completed how, when, or where I thought they would.  I have found these three words help me stay focused on what’s truly important.  It’s not about me feeling in control.  It’s about Good Care.  Funny thing is, when I am more flexible in my Caregiving Role, I am less stressed and feel more in control.

To get a Free Tool which can help you stay on track when caring for another, go to the Resource Website Alzheimer’s Speaks and get Your Memory Chip™.  Click on the star burst on the home page and order yours today.  Http:// For more tools, tips, and stories visit the Alzheimer’s Speaks Blog which is linked from the website.

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