Mom And I Make It In The AARP Bulletin!

Mom And I Make It In The AARP Bulletin!

It’s a Slide Show.  Mom and I are number 4. Check out all the tips!

9 Secrets of Caregiving

Advice from caregivers

who’ve been there, done that

by: Cynthia Ramnarace | from: AARP Bulletin | September 12, 2011

Click Here for the full Slide Show

11 Replies to “Mom And I Make It In The AARP Bulletin!”

  1. Beautifully stated Lori. What a lovely tribute to your mom in AARP. I 100% agree. In the long journey of Alzheimer’s, you need to let go of who the person once was, be grateful for all that they did for you, and celebrate the joyful moments wherever you find them. With my mom’s advanced stage Alzheimer’s, I find the loving connection with my mom in the brightness of her eyes when she sees me, her happy smile, and the way she holds my hand.

    1. Thanks Kerry

      How is your book coming along? For those of you that don’t know Kerry she is an Author. She wrote a book called “Life Lessons from a Baker’s Dozen: 1 Mother, 13 Children, and their Journey to Peace with Alzheimer’s” You can go to her website to find out more about the book and Kerry


  2. Lori…You look absolutely beautiful and I so love your blouse. Leopard print is my favorite, and I use that print to decorate throughout the whole house…

    Your mother looks beautiful too and her hair is gorgeous!!! I love the connection that you both have with each other.

    Love you,

    1. HI Sheri

      I so love hearing from you. Thank you so much for continuing to be part of the community here and part of my life. I feel like we are kindred spirits and hope so day we will be able to meet in person. I hope life is treating you and your family well.

      Love ya Lori

  3. I can see that you simply are putting a a lot of efforts into your blog. Maintain posting the great perform.Some really helpful information in there. Bookmarked. Great to see your website. Thanks!

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