Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Interviews Author Carolyn Brent of “Why Wait?” & Ameenah Fuller

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Interviews Author Carolyn Brent of “Why Wait?”

& Ameenah Fuller Who Is Running For California State Senate In District 25 in 2012

Carolyn’s story is a very interesting one of caring for a parent with dementia, sibling rivalry, and our right to due process.  Just how do you have that crucial conversation to prepare for the end life?  Carolyn has some answers and has written a book to help others avoid the pitfalls she encountered. 

This is a very important topic that needs to be discussed not just for those with dementia but all of us.  Like the saying goes… “We were born to die”  We plan to live and we should also plan for our death and how we want to be cared for.

Ameenah Fuller is running for California State Senate in District 25 and has also had personal family experience with dementia.  She understands the struggles and frustrations a family can go through.  Together these women have put many hours into making a difference in our politic field as well as educating the general public. 

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The book, “WHY WAIT” will be launch late November.  You will be able to find it on

Check our Carolyn A. Brent at her website Caregiver Story

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