Dementia – Swallowing Safely and Lifestyle Choices

Dementia – Swallowing Safely and Lifestyle Choices

Marlene Schoenberg is a speech/language pathologist and swallowing therapist with over 30 years of experience.  She brought the first swallowing  therapy conference to the Twin Cities in the early 80’s.  Today she will share with us incredible insights to identify, understand and live healthy with swallowing issues. Here are some of the things we discusses:

  • Helping families accommodate loved ones with dysphagia at holiday meals?
  • How the normal swallow works and what happens when there are problems?
  • If eating out, what are some helpful tips to be able to continue being part of social dining.
  • Tips for eating at the homes of friends’ or extended family?
  • Lifestyle and food personality patterns to consider to swallow safely?
  •  What are foods to avoid
  • Resources for enjoying social foods in different forms and textures?
  • What are alternatives if thick liquids are rejected?
  • Oral care is important, learn why
  • Why do some people have difficulty talking and eating and how can we improve this situation for social occasions?
  • How can medications affect swallowing?
  • What can be done if swallowing problems make taking pills more difficult?
  • What are some helpful suggestions to modify textures of Ethnic foods?
  • What is important for family members to remember when trying to provide an environment for safe swallowing?

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You Can Contact Marlene At:





Hormel Health Labs


Dysphagia Diet

American Speech Language and Hearing Association

Eat Right at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

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