The First Collaborative International Resource Directory For Dementia

The First Collaborative

International Resource Directory For Dementia

Alzheimer’s Speaks a Minnesota based company, launched a ground breaking platform today to shift dementia care  worldwide. The advocacy group provides education and support for those dealing with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and caregiving.

Today, the first Collaborative International Resource Directory for Dementia, hit the internet.  The website, was developed to shift dementia care from crisis to comfort, by providing a platform where individuals and organizations can easily share information pertinent to the disease and caregiving.


The Founder and CEO of Alzheimer’s Speaks, is Lori La Bey.  She continues to live in Minnesota  where her    mother has struggled with memory loss for thirty years and has been in her end stages of the Alzheimer’s disease for the past four years.  La Bey understands the frustrations and struggles of dealing with memory loss.  She has experienced the disconnect first hand and has committed her life to remove stigmas, ease the pain and give hope to people thrown in the trenches of this disease.

Alzheimer’s Speaks also produces and hosts a radio show dedicated to dementia, which is the first of it’s kind in the world and is featured on the website.  All episodes are archived.


The statistics on dementia are staggering. In the World Alzheimer Report 2009, Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) estimated 36 million people worldwide are living with dementia.

  • The numbers are expected to double every 20 years to 66 million by 2030, and 115

million by 2050.

  • The worldwide costs of dementia (US $604 billion in 2010) amount to more than 1% of

global GDP, according to the World Alzheimer Report 2010.

  • If dementia care were a country, it would be the world’s 18th largest economy.


Alzheimer’s Speaks  believes hope not fear needs to be our driving force for change.  They believe collaborative and alternative approaches push society forward in search for answers; and by working together and sharing knowledge we can win the battle against dementia.


La Bey believes it is time to remove the fear and provide economical services, tools, concepts and products to those in need. La Bey says, ”By working together we can improve our dementia care delivery systems, fund research as well as programs for patients and caregivers, and empower people worldwide to shift their own personal care culture to remove stigmas>”


The Collaborative International Resource Directory provides a variety of categories  where individuals and businesses can come together as one and share pertinent information with one another. There are FREE and for FEE listings, as well as partnerships opportunities.  Below is a sampling of categories for sharing information:

FREE Categories are:

Great Reads – Articles, Blogs, Books, Newsletters, Personal Writings, Publications

Fantastic Flicks & Audios – Audios, Films, Videos

Memory Cafes – (Memory Cafes is a sub category of Caring Support Services)

Events – Activities, Conferences, Support Groups, Webinars and Seminars


Fee Categories are:

Speakers, Trainers, Coaches & Consultants

Caring Support Services – Abuse & Neglect, Accessibility & Transportation, Adult Day, Advocacy Programs, Art Products & Programs, Associations & Organizations, Business to Business, Care Consultants, Clothing, Communication Systems, Education, End of Life,  Entertainment, Exercise & Fitness, Financial Services, Foundations & Charities, Furnishings, Government Agencies, Home Healthcare, Home Repair & Maintenance, Hospitals & Clinics, Household Goods, Housing Options, Insurance, Legacy, Legal Services, Mediation & Conflict Resolution, Medical Trials, Memory Cafes (FREE), Miscellaneous, Moving Consultants – Organizers & Move Managers, Nutrition, Prescriptions & Supplements, Prevention, Religion & Spirituality, Stores & Shopping Venues, Support Groups, Technology

Events – Activities, Conferences, Support Groups, Webinars/Seminars


People can upload pertinent information regarding dementia by going to this link:

For a list of information needed and instructions visit this link:

We Hope You will Join

Alzheimer’s Speaks in

Shifting Dementia Care

throughout the World


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