Allowing Dignity & Relationships to Continue to Grow Through Accessible Housing
Listen Live or Listen at Your Convenience Thursday – Feb. 2nd, 2023 – 2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST & 7pm London GMT, 9pm South Africa SAST, and on the Feb 3rd at 6am in Australia AEDT
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Today Lori La Bey talks with RJ Adler who represents WheelPad, which to be honest I had never heard of before, but I’ve been excited to share this gem of a company with our audience. The WheelPad concept helps people stay at home with family and firends; allowing independence, privacy, and connections to continue to develop and grow in a dignified fashion.
Contact RJ Adler, WheelPad L3C
Phone (802) 458-7194
Address WheelPad – 14 Castle Hill, Wilmington, VT, 05363
WheelPad L3C on LinkedIn
RJ Adler on Linkedin
Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.
FREE resources along with a variety of services at Contact Lori La Bey.
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