Alzheimer’s Rally at the Minnesota State Capital Jan 13th

Alzheimer’s Disease Rally at the Capitol

I just received confirmation for the Alzheimer’s Rally in Minnesota.  I highly suggest you sign up to go as well.  I would love to meet you there.  This is an inaugural event. The time is now to educate and inform legislators about what needs to be done to prepare Minnesota for the impending Alzheimer’s crisis.

 Thursday, January 13, 2011

State Capitol Rotunda – Minnesota

11:00 am – Rally and Press Conference
Legislative office visits to follow


Transportation is being coordinated via the Alzheimer’s Association from various sites. 

Please contact Jenna at 952-857-0547 to register.  

It is important for the Association to have a count ahead of time so they can prepare properly for the crowd. 

 Alzheimer’s Association Minnesota-North Dakota  4550 W. 77th Street, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55435   952.857.0547    

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