Are You Struggling In Your Role As A Caregiver? Get The Help You Deserve
Listen Live or Listen at Your Convenience Tuesday – Jan 24th, 2023 – 2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST & 7pm London GMT, 9pm South Africa SAST, and on the 25th at 6am in Australia AEDT
Watch the Video Interview Below
Lori La Bey the host of Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio talks with Courtney Nalty, the founder of Generational Support, LLC, a caregiver consultancy, and resource guide founded in 2020. You will learn about Courtney’s tools you can purchase like The Caregiver Toolbox and The Hopsital Discharge Handbook. Courtney also does family consultations, has a support group, and a membership subscription too. She truly is a wealth of information you can tap into.