Call In And Ask Lori La Bey of Alzheimer’s Speaks a Question 3/8 12 Est time
Mike Bonacorsi of Retirement Readiness interviews
Lori La Bey of Alzheimer’s Speaks
March 8th at 12pm Est Time

I would love for you to call in with any questions or comments you might have regarding Alzheimer’s disease and Caregiving.
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To hear the show you can go to any of the following links:
Call in with a question or comment 603 816-1590
My name is Tom and I have EOAD. Been following your comments on Memory People. Sorry, but I might not be able to call during your radio program.
My take on recognizing the symptoms vrs normal aging………… Go get it checked out by your PCP! Early detection is the key and following up with Rx care is important. If is is not Alzheimer’s than it might be treatable. If it is Alzheimer’s than the current drug theropies can slow the progression down.
Later, Tom
HI Tom
Thanks for writing in. I am glad you are going in to get formally checked. That is extremely important. You can’t work with what is wrong if you don’t know why something isn’t working the way it used too.
If you can’t make the show live you can always listen later on if you want to.
I am so glad you found Memory People on facebook. It’s a great group! How did you hear about memory People/? We are trying to do a little informal tracking on what is working to get the word out on the group.
Have a great day.
Hi Lori,
Gonna try to call…
HI Debra
Was that you who called in? Sorry he didn’t put you on the line. He wants to have me back so I will see if we can get things set up for live questions… Thanks for trying!