Caring For The Caregiver with Linda Burhans
Alzheimer’s Speaks Talks With The Caregivers, Caregivers
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Lori La Bey, host of Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio talks with Linda Burhan’s, is known as the Caregivers Caregiver. She is an author, speaker on caregiver advocacy. Her book, Good Night and God Bless, is a heartfelt story about the joy and challenges about caring for a parent. Linda has facilitated over 1500 support groups and workshops for caregivers where she shares lessons learned and coping tools with caregivers She also has a blog and radio show.
Contact Linda Burhans:
Radio Show:
Phone: 727-365-8383
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See what LeadingAge has to say about Lori La Bey
“Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.”
Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge Washington
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