Contact Congress To Help Preserve Research $ For Alzheimer’s

Hi Everyone,

As you are all well aware, Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease that robs millions of individuals and their families of the past, present, and future. It slowly steals one’s intellect, ability to communicate, independence, and dignity – even control over basic bodily functions like eating and caring for personal hygiene. It also places an overwhelming burden on caregivers – emotionally, physically, and financially.  The economic impact of Alzheimer’s is staggering. The cost of care in the U.S. is projected to increase from $200 billion in 2012 to $1.1 trillion in 2050.

Researchers say that with the necessary investment and reforms, we can stop Alzheimer’s in the next decade. But some in Washington still don’t get it. Congress is threatening massive cuts that only months ago everyone said would never happen. They’re reversing course and putting groundbreaking Alzheimer’s research at risk.

Last fall, we succeeded in delaying these drastic cuts. Now, to stop them once and for all, we have to raise our voices louder than ever.

That’s why I just contacted my members of Congress with the help of USAgainstAlzheimer’s. Will you join me and email your lawmakers too?

Ask your members of Congress to work out a deal that protects critical research funding. Keep the pressure on now, before any deal is made.

Thank you in advance for you help!




2 Replies to “Contact Congress To Help Preserve Research $ For Alzheimer’s”

  1. Please keep fighting for our loved ones with Alzheimer’s and dementia. We need a cure fast, before we lose any more loved ones to this horrible disease. Thank you for helping our loved ones.

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