Creating Joy & Engagement Through Adult Day Services
Listen Live or Listen at Your Convenience Tuesday – May 23th, 2023 – 2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST & 7pm London GMT, 9pm South Africa SAST, and on the April 19th at 6am in Australia AEDT

Our Host, Lori La Bey talks with Terri Joski-Lang, the Director of Open Circle of Hopkins, Cora Cromer who is the Director of Open Circle Apple Valley, and Elaine Lofquist who is a loving care partner for her husband Marv who attends the Open Circle program.
- What is an Adult Day Program and who attends?
- What specific types of services does Open Circle offer?
- What is Open Circles Philosophy and how does it differ from others?
- What are the benefits for the member who attends and their care partner?
- Hear beautiful stories from both staff and a family member who has a loved attending Open Circle and how the program empowers them.
- How leveraging the member’s past history can enhance the present; as well as how introducing new things can increase joyful times and help them gain confidence.
- Where are the Open Circle Adult Day Services located?
- How is the service paid for?
Here Is A Bit More About Our Guests:
Terri Joski-Lang has traveled the Alzheimer’s dementia journey with several family members, Terri became passionate about improving others’ dementia journeys and focusing on what persons living with dementia can still do, with purpose.
Cora Cromer has worked at Open Circle of Apple Valley for 11 years. Her background is in music therapy and education. Cora is committed to helping older adults find meaningful relationships and providing a space for lifelong learning through person-centered care.
Elaine Lofquist’s husband Marv has been enrolled at Open Circle Hopkins one day/ week since November of 2021. The two also participate in Giving Voice Choir of which they are founding members. They have been to Washington DC seven times to advocate for those living with dementia and caregiver support. They also are participants in a Memory CafĂ©, to name a few things they do.