Dementia Activities To Keep Minds Active And Engaged

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Dementia Activities To Keep Minds Active And Engaged

101415 ASR Active Minds UKJoin us Tuesday at:

2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST and 7pm London Time.

Product designer Ben Atkinson-Willes joins us today to talk about setting up Active Minds which has a variety of activities to engage those with dementia.  Ben took his skill set to help his grandfather who had been living with Alzheimer’s disease for over 10 years. In caring for his grandfather, Ben discovered that the lack of quality, age-appropriate activity products available for people living with dementia. Ben tapped his skills and developed a range of new, groundbreaking activities for adults living with dementia.  How lucky are we to have Ben talk with us today.

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2 Replies to “Dementia Activities To Keep Minds Active And Engaged”

  1. Lori, great topic! Engagement goes hand in hand with people living with dementia. I believe we as a society needs to remember socializing is a human need and offering a means to share an interest, thought, idea and especially a job makes us all feel a purpose in life. This is one of my only reason why I love working as a Certified Dementia Practitioner offering recreational activities with my seniors in their homes and bringing to them any possible means to feel a “quality of life” . Whether it happens to be creating a “job” as an “accountant” or having the person feel he or she works at a local library; I will create this sense of community and socialization for the person in my care. Thank you for all the great work you do and share to empower those in this truly endearing career we have chosen.

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