Dementia – The Impact On Young Caregivers & The Power Of Poetry

Dementia –

The Impact On Young Caregivers

& The Power Of Poetry

Tuesday, Nov. 4th on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

Live 11am EST, 10am CST, 9am MST, 8am PST and 4pm London

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Alzheimer’s Speaks loves to raise awareness and help people connect to the resources, tools and products to help those living with dementia, live in comfort and with purpose. Please join the conversation.   Call in or use the chat box to tell us your thoughts about dementia and caregiving

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(714) 364-4757

Our First Guest will be Chris Wynn, Documentary Filmmaker. 

Chris Wynn picChris made the film “Forgetful Not Forgotten,” which was about his personal family experience with his Fathers dementia. Chris is currently working on a feature documentary project about younger caregivers dealing with a parent with Early Onset Alzheimer’s called “Much Too Young.”

Here is a promo for   Much Too Young.


Contact Chris via    Website

Our second hour we will learn how poetry can help people with dementia connect and have fun. 

molly meyers photoToday we will talk with Molly Middleton Meyer who is the founder of Mind’s Eye Poetry. She works with dementia patients using a facilitation process that includes sensory props, poetry recitation, and memory triggering questions. Molly not only helps those with Alzheimer’s recapture memories, but she also provides a much-needed outlet for creative expression and empowerment.  Listen in and feel free to call in or use the chat box to ask Molly questions.

molly meyers logo

Contact Molly via   Website  or on  Facebook

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