Get Confidence to Care for those with Dementia – Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

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Molly_CarpenterToday we are pleased to have with us Author Molly Carpenter, who wrote the book “Confidence to Care.” All proceeds from the book will be donated to dementia-related charities through the Home Instead Senior Care Foundation.  Home Instead has also launched a free companion smartphone app to provide caregivers with immediate tips and practical advice for the many challenging behaviors and situations family members may face on a daily basis while caring for a loved one living with Alzheimer’s. Caregivers can download the app at the iTunes store or on

Moll  C ConfidencetoCareBookClick Above To Order Your Book Today

Paul hornback bookpicturePaul Hornback author of “God Still Remembers Me” will join us to discuss devotions for facing Alzheimer’s disease with faith. This is the first devotional book written specifically for Alzheimer’s by someone with the disease.   Email Paul at  Blog

paul hormback

Click Above To Order Your Book Today

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One Reply to “Get Confidence to Care for those with Dementia – Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio”

  1. Home care services are on the rise but the quality of care is going down, Because of the rapid growth many home care agencies are hiring any one just to feel spots. As a home care agency myself I know how important it is to do a complete check on all employees. Don’t allow our industry to suffer

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