Honoring Those We’ve Lost
Stan Writes to Honor His Wife June
“I FOUND AN ORCHID WHILE SEARCHING FOR A ROSE”(Stan Berg’s Revision of the Carl Smith’ 1950 Lyrics)
I found an Orchid while searching for a Rose
The Orchid that I found dear June was you
The Orchid is a flower that blooms so tenderly.
And thrills the fairest ladies of the land
While the rose is a flower of love and romance
When placed beside the Orchid…
The Rose could not compare…
I found an Orchid while searching for a rose
The Orchid that I found dear June was you
The Roses I had been searching for
All proved to be untrue
The Orchid that I found dear June was you
While the roses have all lost their color
my orchid June remained the same…
I found an Orchid while searching for a rose
The Orchid that I found dear June was you
June is now in Heaven as we face the future years
But someday heaven’s wonders will all erase my tears
I found an Orchid while searching for a Rose
That Orchid dear June was you…Â
Check out Stan’s website which is a tribute to his wife June who lived with dementia and has since passed away. junebergalzheimers.com Stan has a variety of articles from what is Alzheimer’s, how to cope, statistics and more.