J. Arthur’s Memory Cafe Announces Opening in U.S. on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Today

J. Arthur’s Memory Cafe announces Opening in U.S. on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Today

 Well I have to admit, doing the radio show is HUMBLING and testing my patience to say the least, but hey that’s life. There is a lesson at every corner and it is not going to stop just because I’m doing something more public than usual.  LOL

So in full disclosure the show didn’t smooth in the beginning due to technical difficulties. If you want a laugh consider listening to the beginning.  It’s our blooper spot!  If you don’t want to listen to the mad scramble behind the scenes just move arrow to about the 7 minute mark and the show rolls on from there. We are trying to edit the program but in the mean time here is the show.  The show has now been edited so you can listen from the beginning just keep in mind our normal introduction is not intact.  Just like real life you can plan all you want, but sometimes there are a few detours on route… mine are usually technical road bumps…LOL

I think  you will get good information even with the our goofy beginning. 

If you are interested in learning more about how to open a Memory Cafe please email me or make a comment on the blog.

Here is the link to the radio show

4 Replies to “J. Arthur’s Memory Cafe Announces Opening in U.S. on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Today”

  1. Outstanding post however I was wanting to know if you
    could write a litte more on this subject? I’d be very
    grateful if you could elaborate a little bit further.
    Appreciate it!

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