J. Arthur’s Memory Cafe Live on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio July 11th

J. Arthur’s Memory Cafe Live on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio July 11th

Here is the link to the Radio Show.  If you can’t listen live the show will be archived to listen to later!

Come learn about this amazing collaboration!

What is a Memory Café?

A Memory Café is a place where individuals with memory loss and their caregivers get together in a safe, supportive, and engaging environment. People can connect and interact with peers in similar life situations. There is no embarrassment and no explanations are needed.

Where did the Memory Café Start?

The concept came from the United Kingdom. The UK government coordinates and sets up Memory Cafés, which are in high demand. After talking with David Light who wrote the guidelines for the Cafés, Lori La Bey of Alzheimer’s Speaks here in the United States asked David if he would be willing to share program details with her.

“There was no hesitation in David’s voice. He generously shared all start up documentation. The UK’s attitude is one of collaboration and the greater good.” Lori said.

ACR Healthcare Group, The Alzheimer’s Research Center, The Minnesota Memory Project, The Center for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care of Health Partners, joined Alzheimer’s Speaks to launch the first “Memory Café” here in the US!  

Norrms McNamara from the UK will also be joining us.  He has Alzheimer’s and he loves his Memory Cafe

Our mission:

To provide a social environment which allows individuals with memory loss and their caregivers a safe, supportive, and engaging place to interact with peers.  They named their first cafe “J. Arthur’s Memory Café

Here is the link to the Radio Show.  If you can’t listen live the show will be archived to listen to later!

4 Replies to “J. Arthur’s Memory Cafe Live on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio July 11th”

  1. I am very happy to read about the Memory Cafe. Here in Melbourne, Florida we have one similar to what you are talking about.
    We have a Caregiver Cafe which meets once a month, in the evening. We have the Caregivers meet at one location and the “Loved Ones” meet at another place.
    A facility, business or group, locally provides the dinner for both places.
    At the Caregiver Cafe, we have speakers come in and talk to us about things that are important to us. I.E. New Legislation, new places that have opened locally, or we break up into groups and have a support session.
    We find that being able to have this time with other Caregivers, to talk to others walking the same path, but with different steps, helps each of us to understand what we are going through.
    I will bring your concept to the people who put the Caregiver Cafe together and see if they would like to try your way.
    I have followed Norm Mac for a while and I find that he is very excited on Tuesday, when the Memory Cafe meets. I know that people here get excited for our support groups and our Caregiver Cafe.
    Good luck with your Memory Cafe.
    Jackie Cerqua

    1. HI Jackie

      That is wonderful to here you have something similar! I am doing a show this Monday the 11th at 8am central, 9am est, 6am pst on the memory Cafe. I will be having some of the Founding members on as well as Norrms to talk about the concept. Feel free to join us. Here is the link to the show! We can take calls or answer questions from the chatroom given no technical dificulties. Maybe int he future we can have you or a representative of your Cafe on the show if you are interested.



  2. The Heart of America Chapter has resources educational programs and services for those with memory loss their families and care partners. The session will cover disease overview information as well as discuss issues around sharing diagnosis with others support tips in managing short term memory issues common questions in management and planning considerations.

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