Join Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Open Mic & A Son’s Journey

Join Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

Open Mic & A Son’s Journey with His Mother

Tuesday July 22nd


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The first hour of the show we will have OPEN MIC.  Any questions or comments pertaining to dementia and caregiving are welcome.  I’m especially interested in your thoughts about some recent articles be written and getting attention which might have a negative affect on the dementia cause.

The show starts at 11am EST, 10am CST, 9am MST, 8am PST and 4pm London. 

All shows are recorded for you to listen to later.

Click here to listen by your computer or call in live at (714) 364-4757.  You can also use the chat box on the show page to communicate with us.

Compelled by unconditional love for his mother, a Stephen Hoag chronicles the tender, dramatic and humorous events that are part of the journey of caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s/dementia.

dr hoag book 2

Our second hour we will discuss “A Son’s Handbook” is the ten-year journey of a son as he cared for his mother with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Compelled by the love for his mother, author Stephen W. Hoag provides a tender, dramatic and often humorous account of the unforgettable years he shared with his mother as they faced the difficulties associated with her disease. His chronicled anecdotes and articulated moments will bring comfort to family members and care givers who must complete the daily tasks and overcome the obstacles accompanying the care of those afflicted with this illness.

There are approximately five million Americans who suffer from Alzheimer’s and dementia and the vast majority of these people rely on family members for their care.  There is no vaccine or procedure that will cure this disease that first takes the mind and then takes the body. Our only weapon against its is love. To be sure, one of the greatest manifestations and demonstrations of love that a person may experience in life is the caring for a parent with dementia.

Each experience described in this personal account led Stephen Hoag to write a “Son’s Rule” at the end of each chapter, a fitting approach to being forever positive and insightful in moments of great challenge.  You can reach Stephen Hoag at

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4 Replies to “Join Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Open Mic & A Son’s Journey”

  1. There is a widely held misconception in the African American community that the Alzheimer’s disease is mostly a white disease. This is not only a false notion, it is a view fraught with danger for black people. There is a terrific book by author Will Gibson that dispels this falsehood. ESTELLA & SYLVIA, while a novel that tells a warm, loving family story, deals with many of the issues and challenges regarding Alzheimer’s.

    As Frances Blake, a book lover who enjoys a good story while caring for her sick mother, says about ESTELLA & SYLVIA: “This is one of the most unique family stories I’ve ever read. I found myself rooting for the whole family. It also helped me as a caregiver. The book also helped my friends understand what I was going through. Most important, they enjoyed it immensely as good fiction.”—

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