Lorenzo’s House – Youth Voices Guide Our Mission
Listen Live or Listen at Your Convenience Thursday – May 11th, 2023 – 2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST & 7pm London GMT, 9pm South Africa SAST, and on th,e May 12th at 6am in Australia AEDT
Filling The Gap For Children Who Have Parents With Young Onset Dementia.
Our host, Lori La Bey will be talking with Diana Shulla Cose the Founding Executive Director, of Lorenzo’s House, and Bree Ruge the Lead of Programs & Development at Lorenzo’s House. Also joining us are three young adults who are involved with Lorenzo’s House – William Dean, Shylah Thiara, and Jessica.
Diana Shulla Cose is the Founding Executive Director, of Lorenzo’s House. Diana has been the primary care partner to her husband and mother. She is a true visionary, entrepreneur, strategist, innovator, and proven fundraiser. After her husband was diagnosed with Younger-Onset Alzheimer’s she recognized a massive care and connection gap for younger families and in 2021 founded Lorenzo’s House, a non-profit social impact startup designed to empower families everywhere living with Younger-Onset dementia.
Diana leveraged her past career of over 25 years as Co-Founder & President of a network of public schools in Chicago, scaling from 40 students and 2 teachers to 2,300 students and over 250 staff across 5 schools – Diana brings deep experience and insight to her new venture in this new space.
Bree Ruge, Certified Dementia Practitioner, is a certified Dementia Friend by Dementia Friendly America, and the Lead of Programs & Development at Lorenzo’s House. She has the privilege of building programs and relationships with youth and care partners daily. Bree has been personally touched by Alzheimer’s in her family which gave her knowledge and insights to walk alongside families living with Younger-Onset dementia. Bree was a co-creator, developing the Dementia Friendly Initiative in 4 neighborhoods in the Northside of Chicago.
William Dean, who goes by Will, is 23 years old and is from Wales in the United Kingdom. Will’s mother lives with young onset dementia, and this challenge has inspired him to become an advocate for change through fundraising and raising awareness.
Shylah Thiara’s father was diagnosed with Younger-Onset Alzheimer’s in his mid-50s, and since then she became an advocate and blogger. Shylah spreads awareness and tackles the misconceptions associated with Younger-Onset Alzheimer’s disease by sharing her journey of navigating her father’s diagnosis.
Jessica Christensen is a 13-year-old from Utah. Diana described Jessica as a bright ray of light for this world who has thoughtful perspectives and inspires many, wise beyond her years, and is a youth leader at Lorenzo’s House. Jessica’s father was diagnosed with young-onset Alzheimer’s disease and she has been with Lorenzo’s House for about a year and a half and is a youth leader at Lorenzo’s House.
Understanding Dementia Is Not A Disease Of One, But A Disease Of Families

Contact Lorenzo’s House
Website https://lorenzoshouse.org/
Email info@lorenzoshouse.org
Phone (312) 319-8797
Facebook @ lorenzoshouseofficial https://www.facebook.com/lorenzoshouseofficial/
YouTube @lorenzoshouse https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqdfbDFFhueSx12WvDF3YHg
Instagram @Lorenzos_House
Twitter @lorenzos_house
Contact Lori La Bey
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