Lori La Bey, Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks Appointed as Global Purple Angel Ambassador

Lori La Bey, Alzheimer’s Speaks founder, to become an
Official Global Purple Angel Ambassador
Saturday November 16th, 2013.
In order to give wings to the Purple Angel project, the new symbol for dementia, Ostrich Care decided to partner and launch a worldwide campaign with Norrms McNamara to promote 50 Ambassadors around the world. Their locations range from the UK, Nepal, Australia, the United States and Germany. La Bey will be one of 11 Ambassadors appointed to represent the US.
Norrms himself will appoint each of the 50 Ambassadors as they are inducted to play a paramount role in raising dementia awareness in surrounding communities, mentor those interested in shifting our dementia care culture and help those who are in need of dementia support. For information on all 50 Ambassadors click here.
For additional resources check Alzheimer’s Speaks website
Congratulations, Lori, because this is absolutely well deserved and so appropriate.
~ Ethelle
Dr. Ethelle Lord
www. Remembering4you.com
Pioneer in Alzheimer’s Coaching
Thank you Ethelle. I so appreciate your support.
Congratulations Lori…I don’t know anyone that works harder for our cause.
Thank you Susan. We must set up a time to hat and catch up so I can hear all the great work you are doing as well!
Perhaps after the holidays…I’ve been in chemotherapy for 6 months and am just now getting my sea legs back and about 1/4 inch of hair too!. Finally feeling frisky again!
HI Susan
I am so sorry. I didn’t know you were ill. Sending you prayers and healing. So glad to hear you are feeling a bit frisky again! 🙂
Thanks Lori…I think caregiving for 15 years prepared me. As of November 1 I am cancer free. 🙂
OH that is wonderful news Susan! I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Congrats Lori! Its a great honor and richly deserved.
Carole Larkin
Thank you Carole
Many congratulations Lori – great to have your strong voice on board. Together we will rid this world of dementia – so wish you could have been in the UK this weekend and maybe one day we will meet! For now…we all have much to do! xxxx
Thanks Jane
It’s such a privilege to work with all of you. Thanks for including me in this important mission. I too hope we are able to meet in person very soon.
Lori, this is great. I don’t know of anyone in the field who advocates tirelessly for the Alzheimer’s population as you do. You will be an excellent representative.
Thanks Kim! I’m very excited to be part of this movement.
Congrats Lori! They could not have made a better choice.
Thanks Cheryl