Memory Cafe’s Impacting Life In Big Ways! – One Short Story Tells It All


Here is a wonderful note I received from a woman whose family is dealing with dementia and who wants to make a difference in shifting our dementia care culture.  I just love when I get stuff like this!

Thank you Beth for sharing with me and giving me permission to share with others.

Beth’s Story About

Arthur’s Memory Cafe

My parents went to the Memory Cafe this week. My dad was reluctant, but said he’d try it because my mom really wanted to go. After, they got in the car and he said he really enjoyed himself and she told him that she did, too. Yesterday, I took him to lunch with a friend from high school. Out of the blue, he told my friend that he has Alzheimer’s and then told her about the memory cafe and how much he liked it. I felt the type of pride I usually have for my kids, but it was for my dad! I have never heard him talk about it!!! I can’t thank you enough for reaching out to me on that article!!!

Wow What A Story. 

It Just Makes Me Smile!

For more information on Dementia and Caregiving check out our website below.

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