Minnesota Leaders In Healthcare – Know One – Nominate One!

Do You Know A Minnesota

Leader In Healthcare?

Show Your Appreciation

Nominate Them For This Great Award

Nominations Close Monday August 12th, 2013

Honoring not only health care professionals, but those that support it! Start-ups, Technology, architecture/real estate, venture capital, legal and the list continues. Don’t be fooled by the title.  There are a lot of  categories so you might know more then one deserving person!  The application process is simple and won’t take a lot of your time but I’m sure will make a huge difference to a deserving individual.

Nominations can be made through MONDAY for our Leaders in Health Care. The nomination form can be accessed at minnesotabusiness.com

Please consider submitting a nomination/or sharing with your network. We want to ensure we have the best possible pool of candidates to recognize.


Minnesota Business magazine’s annual “Leaders in Health Care” program recognizes individuals and organizations leading the charge in Minnesota’s world-class health care industry. These awards recognize excellent patient care, outstanding leadership, and thoughtful innovation.

Lifetime Achievement

Awarded to an individual who has made major accomplishments in Minnesota’s health care industry over two or more decades.

Health Care Practitioner
Awarded to an individual who has operated at an exceptional level in their field of practice.

Health Care Executive
Awarded to an executive of a Minnesota-based health care company who has demonstrated personal excellence in industry advocacy, educational efforts, philanthropy, patient care, and employee culture.

Emerging Leader
Awarded to a health care professional (practitioner/administrator) under the age of 40 who has already demonstrated remarkable achievements.

Presented to an individual who has focused their efforts to elevate the profile/status of the state’s health care industry.

Change Agent
Awarded to an individual who is driving advancements in discovery and innovation through research, delivery of care, or a new procedure.

Innovation in medical devices
Awarded to a company that has created or significantly improved medical technology.

Community Outreach
Awarded to a Minnesota organization that has created an awareness program that successfully educates or informs the general community about vital health care issues. This can include collaborative efforts among individuals or organizations.

Employee Wellness Program
Awarded to an organization that has implemented a measurable wellness program to promote the health and well-being of its employees through notable programs and benefits.

Software/Web Application
Awarded to a Minnesota-based company that has launched software or an online service that is innovative, effective, and targeted at the health care industry.

Interior Design/Architecture Project
Awarded to a health care facility and architecture firm that has created a building or space that notably enhances the patient experience.

Business Partner
In one of the following categories, a partner in strategic professional services that has helped guide and support health care organizations with notable success.

· Venture Capital
· Law
· Accounting

Education and Workforce Development
Awarded to an organization significantly helping to engage and train workers for the future of Minnesota’s health care industry.

Awarded to a remarkable new health care company established within the past three years and based in Minnesota. (This category is open to providers, health care technology solutions, and medical device makers).


3 Replies to “Minnesota Leaders In Healthcare – Know One – Nominate One!”

  1. Thank you for the good write up. A health care provider is an individual or an institution that provides preventive, curative, promotional or rehabilitative health care services in a systematic way to individuals, families or communities.

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