Norrm’s Writes About “The Quiet Times” With Dementia It’s Very Insightful
Our friend across the pond, Norrm’s McNamara writes about “The Quiet Times” With Dementia It’s Very Insightful. Below is just a snippet of what he wrote. To see the total article CLICK HERE. I have made Norrm’s two special areas on my new Collaborative International Resource Directory for Dementia. One for poetry and the other for general personal writings and tips. You may want to add something yourself. If you have a blog or website where your article is hosted you can list your information through the resource directory. If not you c an send to me in a PDF and I will add.
Here is the website
Here is the poetry section
Here is the personal writings and advise section
If you want to add something into the site go here for directions
Here is part of the article
Dementia : The Quiet Times

As I sat myself down next to Elaine on the settee, I gently held her hand and asked “Am I getting any worse? I hadn’t asked for a while (as I am aware of anyway) and as she leant over, took hold of the remote and switched the TV off, I knew we were in for one of our “Chats”
“Why do you ask? She says. “Well” “I started, I seem to be having a more of a problem remembering what happened yesterday ECT, or even some things we have done today” I replied. It was at this point, my “ANGEL” squeezed my hand a little more, smiled that beautiful smile of hers and nodded before mouthing “Yes” But quickly added “But not much” thankfully. Elaine then went on to say actually it was because she noticed I had become a lot quieter and wasn’t as enthusiastic about doing things as I once were.
Now before anybody jumps in with the jokes, me being quiet it quite worrying!!LOL Elaine explained that lately I had become a little more withdrawn and not as talkative as usual, which really is unusual for me. The reason for writing this new blog is because of exactly this, being Quiet!!
Please go here to catch the remainder of the article. It really makes you think or it sure did me. Like what is really going on with them when they are being quiet and why?
There are others writings by Norrm’s on this page as well that you might be interested in.
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