When people ask me the question “Does your Mother know who you are?” what they are really asking, is does my Mother recognize it is me, Lori, her daughter. Some are asking to get an update on how she is doing, others to give me permission not to have to go see her. No matter what their reason, my answer has never varied. I always say, “When did a name become so important to us?”
Second, I tell people, “I don’t test that theory anymore. Why would I? I have a 50/50 chance at best my Mother will get my name right. Why would I take a chance of her being wrong and wrecking her day and mine? What is important to me is that my Mother feels safe and comfortable with me, and on a very good day, we can laugh together. My focus is to keep her comfortable and calm, and by doing that she likes being with me. It does not get better than that! It is about quality time together.”
Now, I want to share with you a story about being recognized, and acknowledged by my Mother.
For a long time my Mother would introduce me to her new friends at the Nursing Home as “Her Mother.” She would go on to say what good care I take of her. At first, I was taken back, but just said to her friends “Hello,” shook their hands and said, “and please, just call me Lori.”
Most of Mom’s friends at the nursing home went with the flow, if they noticed or not; there was no way I could be Mom’s Mother; but one woman did notice, and she was not going to let it slide. She would correct my Mother ever time yelling, “Dorothy, that’s not your Mother! It’s your Daughter!”
My Mom would look at me. I would smile back at her; and she would turn back to her friend and say, “Well, what do you expect? You know I have Alzheimer’s.” Everyone would laugh, except the woman who tried to “fix” my Mom.
My old brother, Mark, asked, “Doesn’t it bother you that Mom doesn’t know you anymore?”
I told him, “No not at all. In fact I see it as an honor to be called her Mother.”
Mark looked at me funny and said, “What do you mean?”
I would remind him that Mom did not have a good relationship with her Mother growing up, and I felt it an honor that she has healed that relationship through me some how. She now was proud of her relationship with her Mother. How cool is that!
Mark, still has a difficult time seeing the “honor” in being called someone else. He gets frustrated when our Mother calls him “Chuck,” her brother. I have tried to explain to him Mom is back in time. We probably do not exist in her mind. She is in a time before we were born. I have told Mark that he looks like Uncle Chuck when he was younger. That Mom loved her brother, but his ego is crushed thinking it is about him; and it is not. It is about circumstances, conditions, and Mom’s perceptions. It is just that simple. People with Alzheimer’s disease do not call us the wrong name to make us mad. I don’t believe, their mind could even grasp that concept.
You know I really did not fully understand the meaning of “Being in the Now,” which is all the talk with Eckhart Tolle, and Oprah, until my Mother’s disease progressed. Living in the now, has allowed my daughter and I to have such a wonderful time visiting with her. It does not make any difference where she is in time or place in her mind, or if she knows us by name. We just play in whatever world she is spinning in. If Grandma, wants to talk about pink Cadillac’s, with spinners for wheels, and sound systems; what is the harm? She is happy. It is innocent and fun. It is a nice break from the “real world” sometimes.
I remember my mother-in-law clearly understanding that we were important to her but not really knowing ‘who’ we were. Although she didn’t know our names, she did know at some level that we belonged together, and she knew that most of the nursing home staff did not have that relationship with her. It was very telling I thought when she started calling one of the nursing staff “Aunt Clara”.
When she first arrived in the nursing home (for the first week or two) she would tell us when we visited about how cruel the staff had been to her. We knew they hadn’t – but it was clearly her brain’s way of expressing that she knew something was ‘wrong’ with the situation. As the place became more familiar (though she never really knew where she was I don’t think) the complaints quickly lessened. My father-in-law tried to correct her, and insisted that the staff were treating her well, which got her very agitated. I sympathised instead and said “How awful! Those staff members have already been fired and you’ll never see them again.” She calmed right down! It was so much easier to meet her in her reality!
Thanks so much for your comments. Alzheimer’s is a very interesting disease to say the least. I’m sure your Father-in-law wanting to corect his wife was probably coming more from his own ego. He kneow he was doing the best he could as well as the staff at the nursing home and wanting her to recognize that. It’s a difficult thing to deal with when you think your loved one doesn’t feel you are taking good care of them by your choices and actions.
My father died several years ago from Alzheimer’s . I finally am starting to remember him as he was before the disease instead of how he was at the end. The last time I visited him one of the nurses told him that he had a lovely daughter. He broke down crying. Did he know me? I believe he still knew me at some level. I was recently diagnosed with vascular dementia so we must be gentle and understanding with patients with Alzheimer’s and other types of the less known types of dementia. That could be you a few years down the road.
HI Paulan
Thank you so much for sharing with us. I truly believe that your father knew you but just could not always communicate that with you. Best of luck to you with your journey and I’m so glad you have joined our community here.
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I think perspective is crucial to dealing with this. Having the right attitude, choosing to find positives, seeking joy. This helps….
Thanks for the repost Molly