The ABC’s of Dementia Awareness, Care and Support

The ABC’s of Dementia Awareness, Care and Support

Live on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio 

060915 ABC of ALz Care Singing in the Rain AuthorsTuesday 11am EST, 10am CST, 9am MST 8am PST and 4pm London time.

ABC approach pic of maryOur first guest will be Mary Crescenzo, who provides professional development training for staff in the implementation of quality arts programming with those with Alzheimer’s, and facilitates for caregivers. Mary is also an award winning playwright whose drama, Planet A, about Alzheimer’s, has been staged in New York throughout the U.S..

Contact Mary via Facebook at: ABC Approach to Alzheimer’s Awareness and Care Through the Arts


singing int he rain authors pic togetherOur second guests will be Vicky Ruppert cared for her husband for 19 years with Alzheimer’s of the familial variety (APOE4)and Ann Henderberg who cared for her husband with Lewy body disease for 7 years. Together they joined forces to support one another and have written a book titled, “Singing In The Rain: Weathering The Storm of Dementia With Humor, Love, & Patience.

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The book is  is available on


or their website

Check Facebook for Victoria Ruppert

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio is proud to raise all voices regarding dementia.  If you have an opinion we would love to hear it.  Call in and join the conversation or use your chat box to communicate with us.  If you think you should be a guest contact Lori La Bey.

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