URGENT! Your Help is Needed NOW to Protect Dementia Awareness
Hi Everyone,

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio
I don’t often write to ask for your help, but this is one of those times I must reach out to you. One of the biggest advocates for dementia, Norrms McNamara has been BANNED FROM FACEBOOK.
 One man can make a difference.Â
Norrms has proven that and you can too!
Norrms McNamara, knows of which he speaks.Â
He lives with the disease and has honored us all by allowing us an inside peak as to what life is like with dementia. Norrms has helped so many people world wide with his beautiful poetry and prose, but even more so for his unwavering commitment to shift our dementia care culture world wide.
Norrms was the voice who shared with me the concept of the Memory Cafe which I brought over to the US and now they are popping up all over, as the need is so great for this new type of social support for people living with memory loss.
Norrms started Dementia Awareness Day last year and it has grow and gotten the support of individuals and communities world wide. Here is the link for more information on Dementia Awareness Day.
This is a man who is working on dementia friendly communities and business models over in the UK. His insights are many, his passion is endless and his purpose is powerful.
Please watch the video and then sign the petition for Norrms voice to be heard on facebook. Facebook allows Norrms to make connections to people, organizations and communities in need; which would not be possible through other means. Is that not one of the largest benefits to Facebook? United people around the world…I sure think so! Norrms isn’t selling anything but hope and new ways to live with a disease that torments so many. Please let his gift to the world continue.
One man can make a difference.Â
Norrms has proven that and you can too!
Here is the Link to the Petition
Thank You for Your Help!
Lori La Bey
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