We Changed Our Layout To Provide You With More Resources!

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I have decided to change the resource bar on the right in order to allow you access to more tools,
Lori La Bey of Alzheimer's Speaks of Senior Lifestyle Trends

products, and services.  Prior I was highlighting several areas, but found overtime the listings were getting way to long.  So now, when you go to the side bar for certain categories you will be directed to my resource website 


which allow you access to many more resources.  I hope you find this helpful. 

I am still trying to fix two links which are not working properly but hopefully I will figure that out very soon!  Thanks again to all of you for your support. 

If you know of products, tools, or services that you feel would be appropriate for the Alzheimer’s Speaks Resource Website please feel free to shoot me an email or just write a comment and I would be glad to follow up and evaluate them for a potential listing.  Please note, I do not charge a fee to be listed on the site.  I am a firm believer each individual should have access to all tools so they can evaluate their own situation and what is appropriate for them. 

Now in stating that, I will also let you know that I am in the process of looking for “Sponsors” for the site to offset costs, but any sponsor will be recognized as such.  If you are interested or know of any companies or organizations that might be interested in sponsoring our work here and on the resource website please contact me. 

Given the great response you have all given me, I am looking into expanding our YouTube presence – http://www.youtube.com/user/AlzheimersSpeaks?feature=mhum#p/f   launching a radio show, and finishing the book I am writing on Caregiving and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Thanks again for your support.  I couldn’t do it without you!

Make it a fantastic day!


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