What Do You Know About The the Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry?

What Do You Know About The Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry?

If you are like me you might not have been aware of all this organization does.  Years ago I thought the Alzheimer’s Association was the only resource for those dealing with dementia.  Now days, they are many different organizations offering assistance in different areas.

The Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry is part of the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute which is one of those many organizations providing multiple resources for those in need.

alz_prev_registry_logoDid you know researchers have to screen 10 to 15 times the number of people they actually need for a study?  I didn’t.


Research is critical if we are going to find a cure for dementia.  Check out the Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry to get more information on how you or someone you know could get involved.

The Banner institute also offers a new standard of care, when caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s.  They have tons of wonderful information along with great caregiver classes:

COMPASS (Caregivers Of Memory impaired Persons Acquiring Successful Strategies)

MAPS (Memory Assistance and Planning Session) for Caregivers

Planning Ahead Classes

The Banner Alzheimer’s Institute is also involved with international scientific collaborations.


Help Make a Difference.  Look at these Numbers!

banner_info_grphc_2Join the Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry

This is an online growing community of more than 45,000 people who are passionate about shifting out dementia care culture.  Members get regular updates on the latest scientific advances and news along with opportunities to participate upcoming prevention studies.

Click Below to Sign Up Now!

alz_prev_registry_logoAlthough the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute is a nonprofit organization and Alzheimer’s Speaks personally believes they are a valuable resource for those dealing with dementia and caregiving, Alzheimer’s Speaks was compensated for this article.  Lori La Bey, founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks has signed up for the registry.

Listen to some great holiday music and find out how this music is different and can help those you love with dementia engage longer.

combineid AlzMusCon logo and CDClick above for MP3

Click here for CD option

For Additional Resources on Dementia and Caregiving

Check out Alzheimer’ Speaks Below


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