10 Things to Keep in Mind When Dealing with Someone with Dementia
10 Things to Keep in Mind
When Dealing with Someone with Dementia
Author unknown
- Never Argue – Always Agree
- Never reason – Always Divert
- Never Lecture – Always Assure
- Never Say “Remember” – Always Reminisce
- Never Say “I Told You So” – Always Repeat
- Never Say “Can’t” – Always “Do What You Can”
- Never Demand – Always Suggest or Model
- Never condescend – Always Encourage
- Never Force – Always Reinforce
- Never Take Over – Always Ask Permission and Invite Their Participation
Reblogged this on Ponderings of a lost daughter and commented:
I need to print this out and wall paper my house with it. I get so frustrated and I know I don’t always approach Mom from this standpoint. I definitely struggle daily.
If you can find the time read the stories and lessons on the blog. You can get to them by the main tab. Also check out my website. It’s understand constructions write now but if you become a member and that is free and I won’t be a pest with emails…. you can get some free tools plus I’m in the process of building an international resource directory. http://www.AlzheimersSpeaks.com
Good luck and thanks for writing