Dakim Brain Fitness on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio
on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio
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Charles Roberson, Regional Vice President of Dakim joined us to share the benefits of brain fitness.  The mission of Dakim Brain Fitness is simple: Give every senior the essential tools to maintain their brain health in order to get the most out of life and help prevent the threat of memory loss.
I want to thank Dakim for giving away a free Dakim Brain Fitness program, a $249 value to one of our listeners…. Leeanne! In addition, they are offering our listeners interested in purchasing the Dakim Brain Fitness program for home use can receive $50 off until the end of March by calling (800) 860-7810 and referencing Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio!
Please feel free to contact Charles at 407-878-4167 or  send him an email at Charles.roberson@dakim.com