Love, Laughter And Mayhem With Dementia & Alzheimer’s

Love, Laughter And Mayhem

With Dementia & Alzheimer’s

Today I interviewed Author and Trainer Cindy Keith of  “Love, Laughter, & Mayhem – Caregiver Survival Manual For Living With A Person With Dementia.”  Cindy gave us a lot of tips both for personal caregivers and professionals.  Both her caregiver book and staff training workbook  were discussed in detail.

In addition, we talked about a new product called Axona which is a medical food that requires a prescription and is suppose to improve cognitive function.

Here are a few things we discussed:

1.     What is a dementia consultant and how can they help families?
2.    What M.I.N.D. in Memory Care is about?
3.    Some of the most common questions or fears family caregivers have.
4.     What exactly is her book Love, Laughter and Mayhem about and how can it help those caring for someone with dementia?

To listen to the Radio show click on the white triangle in the black circle in graphic below.

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