New Caregiving Language of “POP” & Great New Book For Those With Dementia

On Alzheimer’s Speak Radio-

Learn A New Language For Caregiving &

Find  Out About A New Book For Dementia

Little did Author and Coach, Jane Wolf Waterman know then that PARENTING OUR PARENTS; or “POP,” as she calls it, would last ten years with her own family.  This journey required her to pull all her educational and life resources together, provided her the biggest challenge of her life and then turned this lesson into her life mission.   Jane will discuss “Parenting Our Parents: the Special Challenges and Joys of POParenting for those with Alzheimer’s.”

Eliezer Sobel is the author of the book “Blue Sky, White Clouds: A Book for Memory-Challenged Adults.” Eliezer’s mother was diagnosed with Dementia and he will share stories and tell us why his book is different and can help others engage with people with memory loss.

Click Here to Listen.


3 Replies to “New Caregiving Language of “POP” & Great New Book For Those With Dementia”

  1. Lori – for some reason the links to your interviews on Blog Talk Radio on alzheimersspeaks are for a completely different subject, interviewer, etc. Maybe it’s my computer but wanted to let you know in case it’s happening for others also. I’ve just been going to the Blog Talk Radio site to hear them instead.

    1. Hi Diane

      Thank you so much for letting me know. There is definitely an issue at Blog talk. I have caught this several times and I must have missed it or the code is changing out. I just might start having to go with links or using a JPeg and hot linking myself. Thanks again for writing. I truly appreciate you letting me know. Have a great day!


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