Alzheimer’s & Dementia – Daring To Care – Author & Researcher Speak Out

Alzheimer’s & Dementia –

Daring To Care –

Author & Researcher Speak Out

We had a great show today with authors, Cheryl Carmichael of  “Dare To Care” and Dr. Donald Moss of “Alzheimer’s: My Journey to a Next Generation Treatment.” I hope you have a chance to listen to the archived episode it is loaded with great information!  Just click on the white triangle in the black circle.  Now for some reason when I tested this, I heard both the intro music and our chat at the same time.  If this happens to you, please just click on the triangle again and the music drops off…. technology.

[gigya width=”210″ height=”105″ src=”\” quality=”high” wmode=”transparent” menu=”false” ]

Are You Ready To Dare To Care?

Cheryl Carmichael dare to care picCheryl Carmichae’ls, book “Dare To Care,” is about caring for our elders.  The book is designed as a manual for caregiver.  It is easy to use, and defines the different types and levels of care.  It will provide you with great forms which will save you a ton of time and help you document activities and progress as well as keep you organized and sane as a care partner.  We would love you to join the conversation.  There is a ton of great information for both family and professional care partners.  There are many examples and blank forms for you to implement in your care plan as well.

Visit Cheryl on facebook at:

To check the book out on Amazon

Cheryl Dare to Care cover

dr moss in the lab - cropped - UTEP News serviceOur second guest will be Donald E. Moss, Ph.D. Retired Professor and Author of Alzheimer’s: My Journey to a Next Generation Treatment.  Dr. Moss has an exciting new drug for Alzheimer’s disease he will share with us.


Brain-Tools website

The page for the book is at:
Dr. Moss’ Facebook page:
Alzheimer’s: My Journey to a Next Generation Treatment


I also wanted to add the link to the Million Dollar Idea Contest

for A Dementia Friendly City

Please read the proposal and scroll down to the bottom of the page to make your comment of support.  It doesn’t make any difference if you are from St Paul, Mn or not.  We want to show a global need for all cities to become Dementia Friendly.  Thanks in advance for your support.

Check out our Website for more Information and Resources!


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