Dementia Care within Communities and Families
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Dementia Awareness and Advocacy
Lori La Bey talks with Jean Smiley who worked as a Certified Nurse’s Aide on and off throughout the years. In 2010, her Mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and her husband started showing signs of dementia. Since 2012, Jean set out to raise awareness, make a difference helping others understand dementia and what they may face on their journey She’ll share her experience as a CNA, her personal journey with dementia, along with tips on struggles and what life is like after caregiving.
Contact Jean Smiley, North Aurora IL

What Questions You Have For Those Living With Dementia?

Those with dementia talk needs and strategies to incorporate when building dementia friendly communities and businesses.
Find out 1) who do you need on your team and why. 2) Why are the little things so important. 3) What others are doing that is working well.
Additional Dementia Chats Interviews:
Juggling Dementia Care &
Finding Balance
Downloadable Tips Below

Coming to Woodbury, MN – Sept 25th and 26th
Coming to Toms River, NJ – Oct 8th and 9th
Coming to Elmhurst, IL – Oct 16th & 17th
More Information to Come
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See what LeadingAge has to say about Lori La Bey
“Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.”
Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge WA
Fight Alzheimer’s Together

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