Thanksgiving – Making Thoughts of Gratitude Last

Thanksgiving –

Making Thoughts of

Gratitude Last

Some days living with dementia, can be tough.  Trying to find something, anything to be grateful for can be hard.  But I want you to take some time and think about what you are thankful for.  What gifts have you received during this journey they call dementia?presents picAfter dealing with my own mother who had dementia for 30 years, I can tell you I received numerous gifts brought into my life through this disease.  They may have been simple and didn’t come wrapped in a pretty package, but they are some of the most valuable and powerful gifts I have received in my life. My guess is nothing wrapped in a package will ever be able to out rate these priceless gifts.

Each gift was not wrapped in decorative paper,

but instead wrapped in the essence of life lessons.

me_mom_dan_1Here is an article I wrote after my mother passed listing just some of the gifts she gave me during our journey together.  If you are having a difficult time finding gratitude, this article my help you find some precious gifts of your own.  I truly hope so.

I will be forever grateful to my Mother.

Love you Mom.  Miss you Mom


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