Exciting News Fox 9 Will be doing a story on Alzheimer’s Speaks!

Exciting News Fox 9 will be doing a story on Alzheimer’s Speaks!

By Lori L a Bey of Senior Lifestyle Trends

I am so excited to announce this Thursday at 9:45pm Central time, February 18th, 2010, Our Community Here, along with my Resource website Alzheimer’s Speaks  http://www.AlzheimersSpeaks.com    will be a featured story on Fox 9 News!   I have not seen the story and will see it for the first time with you, but I believe they will share a video of my Mother who many of you have said you’ve wanted to meet.  Mom will be shown with  Barbara Lee who does Interactive therapeutic music programs and DVD’s who can be reached at     web.mac.com/blee214/Music_Memories/Home.html 

A big “Thank you” from me to all of you for being part of the Alzheimer’s Speaks community.  I couldn’t do this without you! 

I also have to thank Judy Berry of Lakeview Ranch for providing such wonderful home setting for people with Alzheimer’s disease that have behavior problems.  It was her story on Fox 9 which moved me to write Fox 9 a thank you for airing such a beautiful and positive piece on Alzheimer’s disease.  Lakeview Ranch website is   www.lakeviewranch.com/ 

I will post the video clip of the story once it airs for those of you who can’t catch it live. Here is the link to Fox 9’s website.    http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/

15 Replies to “Exciting News Fox 9 Will be doing a story on Alzheimer’s Speaks!”

  1. Hello, Just writing to say that I have been viewing your site with great interest over the last few weeks. I have bookmarked it as I find your views quite profound.

  2. Just a quick message to thx u 4 your useful webpage. Do u know where I can find more on this? have a nice day. Emily x

    1. HI
      You requested more information when responding to the Fox News Story. Basically that was featuring this blog and my resource website Alzheimer’s Speaks.

      If you would like more information on Alzheimer’s disease in general, I would recommend going to the Alzheimer’s Speaks Resource Website as it is loaded with great organizations, services, and reference material on the disease. Here is the link


      Hope that helps


  3. Just wanted to say that you have some great content on your website. If it’s OK I would like to use some of it on my webiste. If I link back to your website do I have your permission to do so?

  4. im almost always jumping all over the internet just about all of the time hence I have a propensity to peruse a lot, which isn’t always a good factor as several of the web sites I visit are constructed of useless garbage copied from several other web sites a trillion times, nonetheless I have to compliment you because this website is in truth half decent and even delivers a bit of unique information, therefore kudos for stopping the pattern of simply replicating other individual’s blogs 🙂

    1. Hey thanks for the kudos. It’s always nice to hear feedback from others. I try hard not to repost something from others unless I feel there is true value in doing so. This comes from my desire to develope a community here vs just have high ratings, which is why I beleive so many do the copy and paste thing. I’m not driven to make this blog an advertising source for income but place that is safe, comfortable and informative for those dealing with Alzheimer’s disease.

      Thanks again for taking the time to write!


  5. I am impressed with all this useful information. Was WAY more than I expected. I just cannot keep up with your posts. So much information to read about.

    1. Hi Elmer,

      The RSS button is on the right side you just have to scroll down a bit. The big orange buttons are there you can’t miss them.
      Thanks for checking us out. I hope you decide to become part of our community here.


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