“Silent Voice’s”… and Alzheimer’s Disease

Norrms McNamara

I just received from one of our readers, Norrms McNamara, this beautiful poem called “Silent Voice’s” and wanted to share it with you.  This poem has also made an impression on me.  It is time to have a poetry section on the Alzheimer’s Speaks Resource Website.  If you have a poem regarding your journey with dementia please submit via comments on this blog and I will also add it to the resource website to share with others.  The site URL to the resource website is:


Now here is Norrms Poem:

Silent Voice’s

By Norrms McNamara

Silent voices shouting everywhere

Silent, yet still rising through the air,

Eyes that look but do not see,

Beating heart inside of me,

Forever wanting their life back,

No more wandering this lonely track,

To talk, to laugh, be understood,

To live their lives as they should,

One year there, next year gone,

Like the setting of the sun,

The Dementia Demon comes along,

Takes away your favorite song,

I have all this yet to come,

Vacant stare, body numb,

But to the end and from the start,

Place your hand around my heart,

Feel it beat inside of me,

Look in my eyes and you will see,

Happy scenes without a tear,

And my silent voice you will hear


Here  is your chance to meet Norrms and learn a bit more about his journey with Alzheimer’s disease.  I think you will find this interview with BBC Radio Devon very interesting.  It is about a drug that has worked wonders for him in early stages.  Please take the time to watch. 


19 Replies to ““Silent Voice’s”… and Alzheimer’s Disease”

    1. You are more than welcome Norm. Write with updates any time! Thank you for all you are doing educating people on Alzheimer’s disease. Are you familiar with Dr. Richard Taylor? If not you may want to google him and contact him. He has been dealing with memory loss for the past 6-7 years and is on a mission to help people understand the disease from the patient’s side. Richard is amazing!

    1. Hi Mayra,

      Yes, the site is something I started about one year ago while dealing with my Mother and her memory loss, which has been a 30 year process. She is now in her end stages of the Alzheimer’s disease.

      Have a great holiday!


  1. Thank you all for your kind comments and thank you lori for your continuing support. I have had so many replies from all over the world regarding my poem “Silent Voices” and the highlight of 2010 was when it was read out at Gloucester Cathedral on “World Alzheimers day” So i am thinking of calling my new book

    “Silent Voices”
    My Battle with Alzheimer`s continue`s”

    What do you think ? its a few months off yet but thought i would ask you forst, best wishes, Norrms and family xxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. HI Norrms

      I think the title “Slient Voices” is WONDERFUL, actually PERFECT! You should be so proud of yourself. You are truly making a name for yourself both as person with AD, and as what I call An Advocate on Steroids for Alzheimer’s Disease! Kudoos my friend. Keep up the great work…You are so needed in this world. You are helping many with your efforts. 🙂
      Love you

  2. You got a really useful blog. I have been here reading for about an hour. I am a newbie and your success is very much an inspiration for me.

  3. I watched my mother slip away
    bit by bit
    day by day
    she wanted me to help her go
    sadly I could not so
    she had her falls and bruises came
    she held her own the plucky dame
    but how she felt I can only guess
    her batterd face her mind a mess
    it hurt me more than she would ever know
    but still in a way I was glad to see her go
    at peace she lay
    no more memory decay

    1. HI Virginia

      Thank you for sharing your poem. I can feel your pain and struggle as you describe your journey. I too beleive she is now at peace and fully understands the impact her disease had on you. My thoughts and prayers stay with you as I know even as they pass the pain can still be felt. I hope you have a balnace of good memories with her as well.

      Thanks again for taking the time to write. It is a beautiful poem.


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