Dementia: What You Need to Make Person Centered Care Real

Dementia: What You Need to

Make Person Centered Care Real

Debbie Richman with the Minnesota-North Dakota Alzheimer’s Association was our guest today. She has a great background and a wonderful attitude on how to live well with dementia, not as the disease.  I heard Debbie speak for the first time about two months ago and was so impressed with her insights and ability to communicate simple techniques which bring respect, dignity and a sense of calm when dealing with Dementia I just had to have her on the show.

Here are just some of things we will be discussing:

1. What needs to happen for care to be truly “person centered”?

2. What are the barriers to person centered care?

3. What can family/friends do to facilitate a more person centered environment for their loved ones?

4. How does a person centered focus help to improve communication and lessen challenging behaviors?

5. How do I engage or assist others to engage the person with dementia?

To Listen to the show click on the triangle in the

round circle in the graphic below

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Debbie can be reached


Phone: 952-857-0551

The National Alzheimer’s website is http://www.Alz.Org

24/7 Helpline: 1.800.272.3900

Remember all shows are archived for easy listening

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