The First International Resource Directory For Dementia Coming Soon!

The First

International Resource Directory

For Dementia Coming Soon!

Lori La Bey
Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks

Hi Everyone,

I have some exciting news. Later this month, I will be rolling out the First International Resource Directory for Dementia and I know I can’t do this alone.  I need your help and want you to be part of this site.  This is something I have been working on for the past year.  It has been a total labor of love or believe me I would have dropped it like a hot potato months ago! The work of multiple parties has been Amazing, Frustrating and Fantastic all at the same time.

But through my 30+year journey with my Mother and her memory loss, I know all too well this site is needed by many.  Not just Families struggling with loved ones who are diagnosed, but those with Dementia, as well as Professional Care Partners and the General Public.

No longer can we wait to move forward.  No longer can we wait for the PERFECT SOLUTION.  Today and everyday here after is the day to act and to come together as a whole to make a difference in the lives of many as well as society as a whole.  There Will Be No More Excuses that we need more money or more time.  In these economic times, we have to deal with what we have and not focus on what we don’t.  It is time to get the job done and work together as one to ease the burden of those dealing with dementia.

As a world, we must come together to fight this disease in a collaborative fashion. One where we share ideas, thoughts, resources and tools.  The new website will allow us to come together as one and join forces, break down barriers and stigmas that have held us back.

I will announce the launch of the site here, so follows us to keep posted.

Please read the following if you want to be part of the site

Lori’s Mother, Dorothy
Who Is Now In Her 4th year of
End Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

Although the disease has captured my Mother’s physical body and mind, it has not taken her soul.  Today, I thank Alzheimer’s Disease for changing my life for the better.  For allowing me to connect on new levels which are much more intimate and meaningful then I knew were possible.  For allowing me to release my need for control and become more flexible and spontaneous in my life. For allowing me to see and appreciate the small precious things I once overlooked in my busy and preoccupied life.  I thank my Mother for continuing to teach me new ways to communicate with those that no longer can communicate in a routine fashion like we are used to. And I promise to always share her wisdom and the wisdom from others that have touched me on this journey so that I may help ease the burden held by others trying to cope with dementia.

Will You Join Me In This Cause?

If so, this is what I would like from you at this time:

If you have any of the following that relate to Dementia or Caregiving in general, I will input your information on the site.

All you have to do is get the information to me!

Here is the list of what I’m looking for:

Memory Cafe`s






Personal Writings

Videos- Single Channels


Audios – Podcast, Radio Shows

Support Groups

(not associated with a large organizations such as the Alzheimer’s Association- Foundation- Society… as those will be accessed through their primary sites)

This is what I need you to send me in an email.

Your Name

Company Name (if you have one)

Type of resource… from the list above

Name or Title of the Resource

Your First and Last Name

Your Email Address

Your Phone Number(s)

Your Website

(The URL Where The Resource Can Be Found)

The Region You Live In US, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia

Your Mailing Address – Street, City, State, Zip, or other country’s postal address

Brief Description Of The Resource (up to 254 characters)

Don’t forget a Picture in a JPeg format representing your resources ( Logo, Book Cover…)

Please email me at the following address

(you will have to piece together the email address so I don’t get spammed)

Lori@   AlzheimersSpeaks   .com

Please put int he subject line  “Resource Directory Information

Thank you for joining forces!

I am excited to work together with you to Shift Our Dementia Care Culture Form Crisis To Comfort

What I ask of you, is that you might do one or more of the following which will all help us raise the voice of all who join in collaboration to Shift our Dementia Care Culture.

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8 Replies to “The First International Resource Directory For Dementia Coming Soon!”

  1. Resource for Dementia Directory

    Artnip Dementia Signage For The Home

    Kelly Schaefer, Owner

    Specializing in Dementia signage products for the home. We offer easy-to-read adhesive door signs for every room, toiletry and appliance labels, and Care Management Tools such as reminder notepads, health journals, and organizers for medical, legal and financial documents.

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